Browse Items (752 total)

My harp has long neglected laid, And very little music made; My Muse, at length, has fann'd the fire, And Freedom sweet attunes my lyre. FREEDOM's embalm'd in every heart, And oh! how loath with it we part! Pursu'd by all, by all desir'd, Caress'd by…

Mount, soldier, mount, the gallant steed, --     Seek, seek, the ranks of war: 'Tis better there in death to bleed,     Than drag a tyrant's ear. Strike! strike! nor think the blow unseen That frees the limbs where chains have been. Oh no! each dying…

Land of the wise! where Science broke Like morning from chaotic deeps, Where Moses, holy prophet, woke, Where Parsons, youthful martyr, sleeps. Land of the brave! where Carthage rear'd 'Gainst haughty Rome, a warrior's crest; Where Cato, like a God…

Oh! what is pleasure, in whose chase, Life's one brief day is made a race Of vanity and lightness? A star to gaze on, whose bright crown, We wait until the sun goes down, And find when it has o'er us shone, No warmth in all its brightness! And what…

Close on the beach, where Ocean's waves Roll wild and furious to the shore, A pining maiden sits and raves, Her sighs commixing with the roar. 'Twas once, ah! once her breast knew joy, And tears scath'd not her blooming cheek; But there are griefs…

Oh let me die in my primal day, While my morning sun with brightness shines, Ere this cold world chase my joys away, Ere the blushing flower of life declines. Oh let me die while life is young, While feelings live and the passions play - While the…

Oh! how charming the scenes appear! When nature is blooming and gay, And the golden harvest is near, And the lawns in flow'ry array. How beauteous, the sloping green hills, And groves fann'd zephyr's mild breath; The silvery murmuring rills; And the…

They have told me that thou art Not what thy lips have told, But a fickle thing, whose heart Is as vain as it is cold. They have told me that in turn, Pride and envy rule thy breast; That to-morrow thou wilt spurn, What to-day thou convetest; Tell me…

Another's gone; and who comes next, Of all the sons of Pride? And is humanity perplex'd, "Because this one hath died?" The sons of men did raise their voice, And cry'd out in despair - "We will not come - we will not come, Whilst thou art waiting…

Beneath our feet, and o'er our head, Is equal warning given; Beneath us lie the countless dead, Above us is the heaven! Their names are graven on the stone, Their bones are in the clay; And ere another day is done, Ourselves may be as they. Death…
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