Browse Items (752 total)

Free Senator! accept the lay The unknown muse attunes for thee, Not for the valorous display Of martial feats and chivalry, Or for the blood-stained laurels won By knightly feats of daring done. Not for the palm of high renown, The price of…


Think of our country's glory, All dimm'd with Afric's tears - Her broad flag stain'd and gory With the hoarded guilt of years! Think of the frantic mother, Lamenting for her child, Till falling lashes smother Her cries of anguish wild! Think…

They sing of Freedom! Afric's sons Their notes of joyance sing; And every hill and ever dale With Freedom's echoes ring! All sing - the children at their play, The laborers at their toil, They chant a merry roundelay, And bless the fertile…

"There's no such thing as death;" To those who think aright, 'Tis but the racer casting off What most impedes his flight: 'Tis but one little act, Life's drama must contain; One struggle keener than the rest, And then an end of pain. "There's…

There's music in the airWhen the infant morn is nigh,When faint its blush is seenOn the bright and laughing sky.Many a harp's extatic sound,With its thrill of joy profound,While we list enchanted thereTo the music in the air.There's music in the…

"Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor?" There was a day I never sigh'd; There was a time I gladly sung: Oh, how I wish that I had died, When mind was pure and form was young. If I were well, a father…

There's sorrow on the sea - The ocean's mighty deep, When raging winds roar furiously, And mournful vigils keep: When noble barques press foaming waves, And sink amid unnumber'd graves. There's sorrow on the surge, When blacken'd grows…

What speaks the thunder, when its midnight cry Rolls through heaven's vast and cloudy palaces? What writes the lightning on the ebon sky, When the fierce tempests, wrapped in sackcloth, rise From their huge cradles, on the roaring seas? What…

Securely chained to the walls of stone,Within a dungeon damp and low—There ne'er was heard a triendly tone; A captive slept, A youthful brow the captive bore,And sadness deep his features wore,For darksome clouds his spirit o'er Had rudely…
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