Browse Items (752 total)

Thou, thou wert ever only dear In joy or sorrow, peace or danger! Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear - Then start not at a trembling stranger! I weep not for the wealth we had, Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted; Oh! no - 'tis that thou…

What gem hath dropp'd, and sparkles o'er his chain?The tear most sacred, shed for other's pain,That starts at once; bright - pure - from pity's mine,Already polished by the hand divine!Oh, too convincing - dangerously dear -In woman's eye the…

'Tis he of Afric. By the reedy marge Of broad bright Niger, hath he chased the deer, Or led his warriors to the battle charge, When life's gay morning shone serenely clear. Child of the cruel fate and blighted hope! O sadly hath the morning changed…

The waves dashed high, the thunders echoed far, -
The lightnings flashed into the dismal gloom
The flames heated in Nature's troubled womb;
And earth was shaken by the furious war;
The Ship of State was strained in every spar;
And strong men…

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" One who knew has wisely said, Since it gives us time to ponder Over love, though living, dead! As we will, the sweet face haunts us And the voice we love is heard, Though the accent pains and taunts…

Slavery, O Slavery! I cannot conceiveWhy judges and magistrates do not relieveMy down-trodden people from under thy hand,Restore them their freedom, and give them their land.The loud voice of reason incessantly cries,Ye lovers of Mammon, when will ye…

Lady! the day of brief enjoyment o'er,We bid adieu, perhaps to meet no more -And, like the summer's soft and dewy sky,Keep that our night of darkness is so nigh[ ] it as sweet to wander here with thee.[ ] in the spell thy presence could decreeWhich…

Adieu to thee, Anna, for ever adieu, Adieu to each sweet recollection; I grieve most sincerely that ever I knew, A girl of such faithless affection. 'Tis in vain to repine, then no longer I'll weep, But indulge in a hope for the morrow, Each care…

Afar in the Desert I love to rideWith the silent Bush-Boy alone by my side;When the sorrows of life the soul o'ercast,And sick of the Present, I cling to the Past:When the eye is suffused with regretful tears,From the fond recollections of former…

Land of the wise! where Science broke Like morning from chaotic deeps, Where Moses, holy prophet, woke, Where Parsons, youthful martyr, sleeps. Land of the brave! where Carthage rear'd 'Gainst haughty Rome, a warrior's crest; Where Cato, like a God…
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