Within Sound of the Moaning Sea

Dublin Core


Within Sound of the Moaning Sea


Young Elize and I were strolling along the sunlit shore;
Elise and I were talking of days that would come no more
She lifted up her hand and said: "These waves shall witness be, -
I pledge thee my hand and heart within sound of the moaning sea."

And there on the shore we parted then. The days flew swiftly by
Five years had passed ere I again had glanced at her dark eye.
But she was still a single maid, was waiting still for me,
To keep the pledge she made within sound of the moaning sea.

I made advances, in disguise, to win my sweet Elise;
I tried, in vain, to win her love, or her sweet lips to kiss;
She shook her pretty head and sighed: "Inded, I am not free!
The pledge I keep I made within sound of the moaning sea."

That she her pledge for me would break I begged on bended knee:
"I'll give you all your heart can crave; your faithful slave I'll be!"
She drew her skirts about her close, and said: "Not e'en for thee!
I'll keep the pledge I made within sound of the moaning sea."

Not till I told her who I was would she that promise break;
And though she loved me better far, she would not thus forsake
The man she loved five years and more. She kept her word, you see.
She is my wife. We live in peace within sound of the moaning sea.


Josephine Rocque


4:27, p. 2





Josephine Rocque, “Within Sound of the Moaning Sea,” Periodical Poets, accessed July 27, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/511.


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