My Thoughts of Home

Dublin Core


My Thoughts of Home


These thoughts of home still charm my mind,

Still sound so pleasant to my ear;

Still bring me back my childhood scenes,

Reminding me of friends most dear.

As through the world's wher'er we roam,

Though friends are dear and strangers kind,

Fond memory brings us back again,

To those dear scenes we left behind.

Majestic scenes may meet our view,

Sweet zephyrs calmly blow; we roam

With beating hearts and aching brows.

Whene'er returns the thoughts of home.

I see the bird soar to the sky;

He views Empyrean, but still unblest,

He leaveth all, and with transport flies,

Downward to his lovely nest.

Perhaps time views or beauteous scenes,

Have shown all grandeur they possess;

But those enchanted thoughts of home

Return with all their loveliness.

Ah! when the world recedes from view,

And Heavenly Power forbids us roam

Through such fallacious scenes of yore,

'Tis then we banish thoughts of home.

When Heaven shall bid our souls depart,

Our forms return to earth again,

We'll banish mundane thoughts of home,

And only thoughts of Heaven retain.

Why should affection drop a tear,

Or friendship's spirit seek the tomb?

No sorrow for the dead's sincere,

Unless 'tis felt at home—blest home!


George T. Cook


1:10, p. 1




George T. Cook, “My Thoughts of Home,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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