Browse Items (251 total)

My Home's on the mountain, 'Mid fragrance and shade, Where gushes the fountain, In wild flowers arrayed; Where nature is sweetest, Unfashion'd by art, And winds wing their fleetest - A home of the heart. The bright summer's morning Breaks…

Oh! let the soul its slumber break, Arouse its senses and awake, To see how soon Life, with its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay, Comes stealing on. How pleasure, like the passing wind, Blows by, and leaves us nought…

SOFT are the fruitful flowers that spring The welcome promise of the spring, And soft the vernal gale; Sweet the wild warblings of the grove, The voice of nature and of love, That gladdens every vale. But softer, in the mourner's ear, Sounds the…

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…

This star sinks below the horizon in certain latitudes. I watched it sink lower and lower every night, till at last it disappeared. A star has left the kindling sky, - A lovely northern light: How many planets are on high! But that has left the…

The occurrence her related took place during the great conflagration in New York, December 16, 1835. It was a fearful night, The strong flame fiercely sped From street to street, from spire to spire. And on their treasures fed; Hark! - 'tis a…

THE world is full of toil, It bids the traveler roam, It binds the laborer to the soil, The student to his home - The beasts of burden sigh, O'erloaded and opprest - The Sabbath lifts its banner high, And gives the weary rest. The world is…

It was a fearful night, The strong flame sped From street to street, from spire to spire, And on their treasures tread; Hark! 'Tis a mother's cry, High o'er the tumlt wild, As rushing toward her flame wrapped home She shriek'd - My child! My…

Get up, little sister; the morning is bright,And the birds are all singing to welcome the light;The buds are all opening - the dew's on the flower;If you shake but a branch, see there falls quite a shower.By the side of their mothers, look, under the…

"The attack on Fort Felon was made, it is supposed, by Phillip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack. - (Southern paper.) Blaze! with your…
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