Browse Items (251 total)

Child of the everlasting God! Heir of a kingly throne! Rough was the path thy Saviour trod, And rough must be thine own, Yet hath the "Hope of Israel" said, "Where'er that path may lead, I thy salvation and thy head, Will help thee in thy…

Farewell, holy man, gone home to thy rest, - While o'er thee each friend of humanity weeps; And the children of grief thy philanthropy blest, Bend in silence around where the peace-maker sleeps. No more can the lonely and desolate heart Be…

"There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a resemblance of the dead to which we turn, even from the charms of the living." The grave hath many a jewel rare Beneath the cypress tree - But Death ne'er placed a casket there More…

To speak thy praise, be mine - brave Washington -Thou for thy country hast the laurel won.Heaven raised thee up, and sent thee to the field. -Thy country's foes at last were forced to yield.Wisdom and zeal were both in thee combined. -Thine was a…

While sleep my senses bound, There stole upon my ear A rapturous and unearthly sound Of voices soft and clear. For one short fleeting breath, Methought angelic forms, From this low world of sin and death, Had borne me in their arms. At…

Deep in this grave, her bones remain, -She's sleeping on bereft of pain, -Her tongue in silence now does sleep,And she no more times call can greet.She lived, as all God's saints should do,Resigned to death, and suffering too:She feel's not pain, nor…

Token of friendship true and tried, From one whose fiery heart of youth With mine has beaten side by side, For Liberty and Truth: With honest pride the gift I take And prize it for the giver's sake. But not alone because it tells Of generous…

Saviour, now the day is o'er,On a child thy blessing pour;Wash me in thy dying blood,Pardon my sin and make me good.Let my head lean on thy breast,While in sleep I sweetly rest;On me keep thy watchful eye,Lest I suffer, faint or die:Wake me in the…

Savior hear a little childOffer thee a morning prayer:Change my heart and make it mild,That all may see thy image there.Didst thou hear my evening prayer,And let me sleep upon thy breast?Was my health and life thy care.That in sleep I sweet did…

"In all losses I would have a doubled prospect, I would consider what I have lost, and I would have regard to what I have left. It may be in my loss I may find a benefit; I may be rid with it of a trouble, a snare, or a danger." - Owen Feltham. What…
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