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I KNEW that we must part; day after day I saw the dread Destroyer win his way.That hollow cough first rang the fatal knell,As on my ear its prophet-warning fell;Feeble and slow the once light footstep grew,Thy wasting cheek put on death's pallid…

How beautiful is age When tending to repose, Like a full ripened shock of corn: It to heaven's garner goes. Brother and friend of peace, We seek thy shade in vain: Yet clings thy memory to the lip, Of penury and pain. Thy name is on the…

"Dear beauteous death! the jewel of the just, Shining nowhere but in the dark, What mysteries do lie beyond thy dust, Could we outlook that mark!"

There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. 'Shall I have naught that is fair,' saith he: 'Have naught but the bearded grain? Tho' the breath of…

Of sorrow and distress;No friend, they say, for them is nigh,They must remain opprest.And will the Christian turn an earOf deafness to their moan!And have they then no kind Friend near,To listen to their groan?Must error's all-enchanting chainFor…

Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains, May our Herald's feet appear; Sweet by silver lakes and fountains, May his voice be to our ear. Let the tenants of our rocks, Shepherds watching o'er their flocks, Village swain and peasant boy, Thee…

This star sinks below the horizon in certain latitudes. I watched it sink lower and lower every night, till at last it disappeared. A star has left the kindling sky, - A lovely northern light: How many planets are on high! But that has left the…

Vermont, in presenting these noble resolutions with an American Congress in the face of so much plagued malice and cruelty, appeared like an angel of mercy walking upon the high places of the earth. Who might not on that day have covered the honor of…

Is it his daily toil that wrings From the slave's bosom, that deep sigh? Is it niggard fare that brings That tear into his down-cast eye? O, no - by toil and humble fare Earth's sons their strength - their glory gain. It is because the slave…

Earth speaks in many voices: from the roar Of the wild cataract, whose causeless din Shakes the far forest and resounding shore, To the meek rivulet which seems to win Its modest way amid spring's pleasant bowers, Singing its quiet song to charm…
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