Browse Items (251 total)

I bring no chain of rarest worth - No coral from the deep sea-cave - No gem long hid within the earth, To shine where now those tresses wave; A gift more precious, far, is mine, Than sparkling gem from earth or sea; This treasury of thought -…

Perched on a rock, I proudly gaze Upon the world below; A broad champing before me lies. Where streams like brooklets flow The tree is dwindled to the shrub, The palace to the shed; Man to a speck--small as the grub Crushed 'neath his…

To speak thy praise, be mine - brave Washington -Thou for thy country hast the laurel won.Heaven raised thee up, and sent thee to the field. -Thy country's foes at last were forced to yield.Wisdom and zeal were both in thee combined. -Thine was a…

The king of day's proud course was done; His fire grew red, and dim, and soon We parted with the glorious sun, To welcome in the silvery moon; The starts shed down their lustrous light Upon the face of earth serene - The bright, majestic queen…

Farewell, brother's gentle breezes Waft thee o'er the briny deep; May the eye that never slumbers His sure vigils o'er the keep. May the hand that's never weary, Blessings give to thee and thine; Blessings on them, Holy Father, From thy never…

Free Senator! accept the lay The unknown muse attunes for thee, Not for the valorous display Of martial feats and chivalry, Or for the blood-stained laurels won By knightly feats of daring done. Not for the palm of high renown, The price of…

O'er the level plain where mountains Greet me as I go, O'er the desert waste where fountains At my bidding flow, On the boundless beam by day, On the cloud by night, I am rushing hence away - Who will chain my flight? War his wary watch was…

Far o'er our land extended wide,With one united voice,From hill and dale and mountain side,Let Freedom's sons rejoice.What glad tidings ring thro' the land of the West,What nation so happy as we -With peace and with plenty our Union is blest,Our land…

If yon bright stars, which gem the night, Be each a blissful dwelling sphere, Where kindred spirits re-unite, Whom death has torn asunder here; How sweet it were at once to die, And leave this blighted orb afar, Mixt soul and soul to cleave the…

"The attack on Fort Felon was made, it is supposed, by Phillip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack. - (Southern paper.) Blaze! with your…
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