Browse Items (251 total)

While sleep my senses bound, There stole upon my ear A rapturous and unearthly sound Of voices soft and clear. For one short fleeting breath, Methought angelic forms, From this low world of sin and death, Had borne me in their arms. At…

I saw the young bride, in her beauty and pride, Bedecked in her snowy array, And the bright flush of joy mantled high on her cheek, And the future looked blooming and gay; And with woman's devotion she laid her fond heart At the shrine of…

God gave to Afric's sons A brow of sable dye, And spread the country of their birth Beneath a burning sky; And with a cheek of olive, made The little Hindoo child, And darkly stain'd the forest tribes That roam our Western wild. To me he gave…

Launch thy bark, mariner! Christian, God speed thee! Let loose the rudder bands - Good angels lead thee! Set thy sails warily, Tempests will come: Steer thy course steadily, Christian, steer home! Look to the weather bow, Breakers are round…

I PLUCK'D a Rose for thee, sweet friend, Thine ever favorite flower, A bud I long had nurs'd for thee, Within my wintry bower; I group'd it with the fragrant leaves That on the myrtle grew, And tied it with a silken string Of soft cerulean…

Brethren, - the hour hath come That severs heart from heart, And bids from learning's sacred dome Our pilgrim steps depart. Some to you eastern sphere, Where the dead idols reign, The banner of the cross to rear O'er Falsehood's giant fane;…

Delightful spot! sweet resting place, Where weary ones may lay their head; Where Beauty lifts her rosy face Around the tomb, and o'er the dead: - Proclaiming that the gentle thoughts Of love and friendship here may thrill: That reverent memory…

Source of all light and joy and life! Creator of each starry sphere, That o'er me on the arch of night Gleams like a diamond soft and clear; Oh, as I gaze transported now On yonder blue, resplendent dome, Deign but to hear my prayer, that…

Dear R*****, time with rapid wings, Has swept another year away: Like all earth's transitory things, That wither and decay. Since last year's dawn of friendship's chain, That binds man to his fellow man, How many links have broke in twain, And…

Not always actions show the man, we find,
Who does a kindness is not therefore kind:
Perhaps prosperity becalmed his breast,
Perhaps the wind just shifted from the east:
Nor therefore humble, he who seeks retreat;
Pride guides his steps, and…
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