Browse Items (251 total)

Types of eternal rest - fair buds of bliss,In heavenly flowers unfolding week by week -The next world's gladness, imaged forth in this -Days of whose worth the Christian's heart canspeak!Eternity of time - the steps by whichWe climb to future ages -…

How calmly sinks the parting sun! Yet Twilight lingers still, And beautiful as dreams of Heaven, It slumbers on the hill; Earth sleeps, with all her glorious things, Beneath the Holy Spirit's wings, And, rendering back the hues above, Seems…

Come to thy secret chamber - oh, my soul,Deep, deep within, - The thrilling harp of loveThat cheers thee daily with its symphoniesBid it keep silence, and the hand of hopeRest 'mid the rose-buds it would weave for thee;Repel intrusive care, and bid…

Another week's forever gone, With all the years beyond the flood, Yet we are spar'd, this sacred morn, To come, and praise, and learn of God. Parents, and youth, and children dear, In sabbath school we constant meet, Regardless of complexion…

Now, wife and children, let's be gay,My work is done, and here's the pay:"Twas hard to earn, but never mind it,Hope rear'd the sheaf, and peace shall bind it!Six days I've toiled, and now we meetTo share the welcome weekly treatOf toast and tea, of…

SEXTON! spare that grave, Touch not a single clod! There let the wild grass wave Forever o'er that sod. Sexton! my Mother sleeps In that neglected spot; The willow o'er it weeps; I pray thee touch it not. 'Twas my lov'd Father's hand That…

Vain human reason, when 'tis left aloneIs not unlike a bark upon the sea -Useful or useless - ruined or secureOnly as she is guided from within;A thing of power and motion and of grace,But yet an atom when the tempests rise.When all is calm, out on…

While I stand in the land of my birth, I will stand in it upright and free; Or my body shall cover the earth, Ere I bow to oppression my knee! Here's a hand for a cause that is just - Here's a heart that's liberty's throne; But they both…

There is no peculiarity of my native New England I miss so much as the roaring of the sea. Extract from a Letter. The roaring sea - the roaring sea! How would my heart rejoice To pace again its sandy shores, To hear its thunder voice! I pine to…

Thou art a harsh instructer - yet by thee We learn important lessons; thou dost teach How frail and fleeting earthly hopes may be How oft the goal recedes we strive to reach; Thine is a form of darkness, and we turn Heart-sick and weary from the…
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