Browse Items (251 total)

Thou visitest the earth,And waterest it;Thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God,Which is full of water.Thou preparest them corn,When thou hast so provided for it.Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly;Thou settlest the furrows…

Thou, thou wert ever only dear In joy or sorrow, peace or danger! Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear - Then start not at a trembling stranger! I weep not for the wealth we had, Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted; Oh! no - 'tis that thou…

A gentle, holy quiet rests Upon her heavenly face, And on her forehead, fair and smooth, Dwells not an angry trace! No wrinkle there of discontent, Or anxious care is seen; But peace sits smiling on that brow, All polished and serene. The…

"Tribe of the wandering foot and weary breast, When shalt thou flee away and be at rest?" BYRON. ---Thou art fallen, O Israel! thou art scattered abroad,From the home of thy sires, by the hand of thy God;Once the honor'd the cherish'd the chosen…

Hail to the ever cheeringFirst,When slavery's iron shackles burst;Conduct, and notcolormustProve the worth of human dust.Thousandshail this hallowed day,Over the warm waves, far away,Where the tropic mountains rise,And summer never leaves the…

Admit her to the Union? - Yes! If our democracy can bow To kings, and is prepared to kiss The loathsome hem of tyrants now; From principles that years have tried, If thus we fall, no longer men, And to our fathers' deeds of pride Are recreant…

Lament who will, in fruitless tears, The speed with which our moments fly: I sigh not over vanished years, But watch the year that hastens by. Look how they come! - a mingled crowd Of bright and dark, but rabid days; Beneath them, like a summer…

Eternal power! whose high abodeBecomes the grandeur of a God,Infinite lengths beyond the bounds,Where stars revolve their little rounds.The lowest step above thy feet,Rises too high for Gabriel's seat,In vain the tallest angel triesTo reach the…

ALAS! I am an Orphan Boy, With nought on earth to cheer my heart; No father's love, no mother's joy, No kin nor kind to take my part. My lodging is the cold, cold ground, I eat the bread of charity; And when the kiss of loves goes round, There…

There is the grasshopper, my summer friend, - The minute sound of many a sunny hour Passed on a thymy hill, when I could send My soul in search thereof by bank and bower, Till lured far from it by a foxglove flower, Nodding too dangerously above…
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