Browse Items (251 total)

They sing of Freedom! Afric's sons Their notes of joyance sing; And every hill and ever dale With Freedom's echoes ring! All sing - the children at their play, The laborers at their toil, They chant a merry roundelay, And bless the fertile…

Think of our country's glory, All dimm'd with Afric's tears - Her broad flag stain'd and gory With the hoarded guilt of years! Think of the frantic mother, Lamenting for her child, Till falling lashes smother Her cries of anguish wild! Think…

Free Senator! accept the lay The unknown muse attunes for thee, Not for the valorous display Of martial feats and chivalry, Or for the blood-stained laurels won By knightly feats of daring done. Not for the palm of high renown, The price of…

How sad and forsaken Is that heavy heart, Where hope cannot waken, Nor sorrow depart! So sad and so lonely No inmate is there, Save one - and that only Is chilling despair. How sad is the slumber Long sufferings bring, Whose visions…

O'er the level plain where mountains Greet me as I go, O'er the desert waste where fountains At my bidding flow, On the boundless beam by day, On the cloud by night, I am rushing hence away - Who will chain my flight? War his wary watch was…

An hour has passed with lingering pace, Since, bent in careless musing nigh, I marked upon thy moss grown face The noiseless shadow stealing by; An hour has passed - and wandering back The fit of vacant idleness o'er, I see that shade in onward…

I. Sweet slumbering babe! that breath'st so soft and low, Encircled in thy mother's shielding arm; Thy life's mild current, just begun to flow, Is not more strangely new, or purely warm, Than those parental sympathies, now stirred In nature's…

"There is poetry that is not written: - it is living in the hearts of many to whom rhyme is a mystery." - N.P. Willis. Thou hast a fragrant, beauteous flower, Whose kindred blossoms wave In ev'ry breeze that floats around The bard of Avon's…

'Vergiss die treuen todten nicht!'* 1. Dear sainted one! how calmly turns my mind to vanish'd days,With what a deep delight I dwell on all thy words and ways;Thy bright sweet smiles, thy beaming glance, thy open tranquil brow,With what a life-like…

Around thee shall the prairie roll its green And flowery billows far off in the sun, And a deep murmur rise from that wide scene, The solemn and low-chanted hymn of one Whose spirit, like the sunshine beaming bright, Poured for the mellow light…
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