Browse Items (251 total)

There is the grasshopper, my summer friend, - The minute sound of many a sunny hour Passed on a thymy hill, when I could send My soul in search thereof by bank and bower, Till lured far from it by a foxglove flower, Nodding too dangerously above…

They are all gone into a world of light,And I alone sit lingering here;Their very memory is fair and bright,And my sad thoughts doth clear.It glows and glitters in my cloudy breath,Like stars upon some gloomy grove;Or those faint beams in which the…

Eternal power! whose high abodeBecomes the grandeur of a God,Infinite lengths beyond the bounds,Where stars revolve their little rounds.The lowest step above thy feet,Rises too high for Gabriel's seat,In vain the tallest angel triesTo reach the…

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…

The God of harvest praise; In loud thanksgivings, raise Hand, heart, and voice; The valleys laugh and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. Of food for man and beast, Jehovah spreads a…

HIGH amid the mountain ridges I have clim'b, and stand alone, Where the mist the torrent bridges In a world of stream and stone. Dark ravines, and summits boary, Downward steeps that scare the view, Blocks whose sculpture hides a story Human…

TWO VOICES. While yet the sun, God's servant, waits, And his reviving beams delays, Around the attendant, misty earth, A dim, cold influence plays. Thou First! and High! and Holy One! Our light of life from thee descends; Thy dim reflections…

"A NEW YEAR'S GIFT," from thee, O Lord, I crave!For thou are full, and overflowest stillWith blessings spiritual, through the whole churchArrived in heaven, and all who wait below,Thy sovereign call to hear, and all who wait below,Have tasted of thy…

My country! 'tis for thee, Dark land of slavery, For Thee I weep; Land where the slave has signed, Land, where he toiled and died, To serve a tyrant's pride - For thee I weep, My native country! thee, Land of the noble free - Of Liberty - My…

A gentle, holy quiet rests Upon her heavenly face, And on her forehead, fair and smooth, Dwells not an angry trace! No wrinkle there of discontent, Or anxious care is seen; But peace sits smiling on that brow, All polished and serene. The…
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