Browse Items (251 total)

Deep in this grave, her bones remain, -She's sleeping on bereft of pain, -Her tongue in silence now does sleep,And she no more times call can greet.She lived, as all God's saints should do,Resigned to death, and suffering too:She feel's not pain, nor…

Launch thy bark, mariner! Christian, God speed thee! Let loose the rudder bands - Good angels lead thee! Set thy sails warily, Tempests will come: Steer thy course steadily, Christian, steer home! Look to the weather bow, Breakers are round…

I. Of all my race there breathes not one To comfort or deplore me; Pain wakes a pulse in every bone, And death is closing o'er me. Still doth his lifter stroke delay, Protracted tortures dooming, I feel, ere life has pass'd away, His very…

Oh! there are hours whose memory will With golden drapery deck the soul, And through her inmost centre thrill, Awakening bliss beyond control. Aye, there are hours which paint the world The very vestibule of heaven, As if some angel wing,…

Great God! we thank thee for this day, And all its mercies given; O may the blessings we've received, Direct our souls to heaven. O Lord! watch o'er us through this night, Be thou our Gardian near, And keep us safe till morning light, Without…

He knelt - the Saviour knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked through the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony! The Lord of all, above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. The sun set in a fearful hour, The skies might…

O people beloved, Wide scattered of old, Come back to the vineyard, Come back to the fold. Build up the waste places The altars of prayer, In the land of your fathers, For thy Bethel is there. From the south, oh ye chosen, From the east and…

Is it not the deep drawn sigh? Is it not in the stifled groan, When solitary and alone, And with the Spirit hovering nigh? Is it not in the anguish'd prayer Of him who feels his heart is riven, And seeks to lay his burthen where There is a…

Holy Father, thee we praise;Thee, to everlasting daysWorshipp'd, glorified, adored;We acknowledge thee, the Lord.All the earth doth worship thee;Powers of heaven in praise agree;Angels to the cry aloud;Saints in adoration bowed;Cherubim before thy…

Saw ye where the Savior keptWatch, while his disciples slept?Did ye hear the Savior speak,While the sweat bedewed his cheek?Did ye listen to the Lord,And receive the hallowed word?Heard ye your Redeemer sayTo his followers, "Watch and pray?"Not to…
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