Browse Items (82 total)

He is risen! He is risen!Let it echo far and near,Tell it out to every nation,All can in His glory share.Earth is robed in spotless beauty,Ready to receive the King,In the triumph of His kingdom,Heaven and earth His praises sing.Hark! the sound of…

I know not why, but it is true - it may, In some way, be because he was a child Of the fierce sun 'neath which I wept and smiled - I love the dark browed Poe. His too short day Was lived in dreams, in dreams that him beguiled. When not along his…

Thou Bounteous Giver of all good, From Thy unfailing hand, We take with humble, grateful hearts, The blessings of the land. Thou dost supply our every want, Know'st every creature's need, And for the good of man, dost bless The sprinkling of…

Ho, for the West! where virgin soilInvites the willing laborer's toil;Where lands as broad as either sea,The home of millions yet to be,Await the touch of hoe and share,Their dark brown richness to prepare,The seed to hold, the fruit to give;That…

I am a child of Southern lands: Dark blood flows through my veins; My heart is white as any man's, And love as deep there reigns. And as my life is good or bad, So my reward shall be; And though I am a colored lad I'll rank the same as he Who…

I love the wild and wooly West,
Where winds cavort so free;
The effete East has now, at least,
No charms at all for me.
I love the lands that stretch away,
Toward the setting sun;
Where tender feet on bosses fleet,
Are followed with a gun.

If I should go away, and ne'er return, - If I should find a home beneath a clime That grows the golden orange and the lime And all the fruits the heated tropics burn, - Would you recall the vanished hours, the time, When, in the hope of youth's all…

When the twilight shadows deepen, Bringing evening to its close, Calm and peaceful are the moments, Verging on to night's repose. When the twilight shadows bring us Gentle memories of the past, Then the mist of time is lifted, With no shadow…

Deep down in thy dark eyes
A world of longing lies
Of sweet desire,
Of hopes, of doubts, of fears,
And just a trace of tears
Quenched by the fire
Of love's perpetual glow,
Of passion's ebb and flow,
As they arise
In thy dark eyes.
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