Browse Items (82 total)

I know not how the shadow of a thought Might fall across a poet's dreamful way; But in such brains strange things Are often by the vagrant fancy caught And thrown aside, as mimics in a play, Vexing the Harpist's strings.

I've seen thee, flower, laugh in May, But now confess to see thee bloom Amid this waste of snow and gloom It starts strange fancies into play, And as I look to earth, to sky - A sheet of white, a veil of grey - I wonder why thou sought'st a…

I'll win thee yet, my dainty lass, I'll win thee yet, Though you may say me nay, my lass, I'll win thee yet, While now your head you hold quite high,And steal your heart in vain I try, I'll win it yet, my pretty lass, I'll win it yet. Perhaps…

Sweet the mission that it brings,O'er our life a joy it flings,We now hail it with delight,Like a vision calm and bright.Through the vale of passing years,Through the mist of earthly cares,Summer comes with breezes sweet,Loving homes and hearts to…

O'dearest Christ, lift up my heart, Light up my soul to love Thee more; Let me with angels bear my part, Bow down and worship and adore. O Holy, Glorious Majesty, I would be where the sainted dwell; I would in spirit rise to Thee Above the…

Within the heart of each and all,
A hidden recess lies:
Wherein some secret sorrow rests,
The source of all the sighs.
A blighted hope: ambition's wreck;
A love-like withered flower, -
Bearing in death a fragrance still,
That giveth it a…

The heart can in its deepest hours, Find pleasure in the past, And in its present of delight, A joyful radiance cast. On kindred souls an impress dwells, A bond of union sweet, A tender chord of love and joy, To make that bond complete. As…

Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy ripping song finds voice In every sigh I breathe unto thy keeping, In every joy that to my heart comes leaping Sweet brook, I love they voice, Sing on, my love, sing on. Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy…

Too long I've waited here For thee, my love, the light Of evening star hath lent the spell And dream of its sweet beauty to the song Of night so long a while, the spell Doth wake my sighs, my light, I've waited here Too long.

Let others boast of maidens fair,Of eyes of blue and golden hair;My heart like needle ever trueTurns to the maid of ebon hue.I love her form of matchless grace,The dark brown beauty of her face,Her lips that speak of love's delight,Her eyes that…
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