Browse Items (82 total)

Singst thou of love, my pretty bird, Singst thou of love? Thy melody my heart has stirred. Singst thou of love? Thy ovice doth fill th morning airWith notes of restful song that bearA message that methinks I've heardBefore. Singst thou of love,…

I am a child of Southern lands: Dark blood flows through my veins; My heart is white as any man's, And love as deep there reigns. And as my life is good or bad, So my reward shall be; And though I am a colored lad I'll rank the same as he Who…

'Mid night's sweet calm, when day in sleepDoth feel the breadth and lengthened sweepOf Time's grim chase to catch the years,There comes to Earth the chiding fears That revel in the starry deep Those thuds of woeful pain that steepThe soul in…

O'dearest Christ, lift up my heart, Light up my soul to love Thee more; Let me with angels bear my part, Bow down and worship and adore. O Holy, Glorious Majesty, I would be where the sainted dwell; I would in spirit rise to Thee Above the…

Let others boast of maidens fair,Of eyes of blue and golden hair;My heart like needle ever trueTurns to the maid of ebon hue.I love her form of matchless grace,The dark brown beauty of her face,Her lips that speak of love's delight,Her eyes that…

Let the phantoms of the nightShriek and scream their mad delight!Let the ghosts that haunt the gloomCome forth from their clammy tomb!Let the Furies of the deep Through the slumbering midnight sweep!What care I! For, truth to tell.With such creatures…

Cultivate the priceless talents, Well bestowed on us by God, Study hard to win the laurels, You will reap a sure reward. Sink down deep in mines of learning, Draw up Wisdom's golden arts, Keep her precious treasures near you, In the storehouse…

I've seen thee, flower, laugh in May, But now confess to see thee bloom Amid this waste of snow and gloom It starts strange fancies into play, And as I look to earth, to sky - A sheet of white, a veil of grey - I wonder why thou sought'st a…

Within the heart of each and all,
A hidden recess lies:
Wherein some secret sorrow rests,
The source of all the sighs.
A blighted hope: ambition's wreck;
A love-like withered flower, -
Bearing in death a fragrance still,
That giveth it a…

Is't well to bruise the heart that loves thee well? Is't well to give for kindness veiled hate? Is't well to war 'gainst all-conquering Fate? So much it is for thee to know and tell! For me, through all the years, alone, I wait, Happy, when most…
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