Browse Items (82 total)

How gloriously it beameth, With twinkling, silver ray, Resplendent in its beauty, To light us on our way. Though oft the clouds are heavy, And shadows cast before, That star on all was shining, From hut to palace door. The firmament above…

A jaunty, tidy, sober lot ye are,
My lordly innocents. A bumper to
Your health I drink. I would that skies deep blue
In friendship's light be ever thine, thy star
Of hope be Truth, thy fondest dreams no bar
To block thy way to fame. If winds…

What are the joys that Christmas brings? Are they the gifts of precious things From loved ones near? Then, should all happiness be flown And poverty and hate unknown, In forms so drear! What joys dost thou, dear Christmas, bring? What makes our…

The old year's dead! The new year's born! The night has passed! Has come the morn! Another link in life's long chain Is rounded out in human pain! "Ring out the old! Ring in the new! "Ring out the false! Ring in the true!" 'Tis easier said by far…

Sweet moments live though they be dead; And love-words glow that we have said; The pulse thrills now, as in the hour When love first dwelt in its own bower And bowed a slave to its mad power! So what care I For th' inky sky? The past is mine, -…

What if we never meet again, Except as strangers meet? Can we forget the past, - the pain, The pleasures, sunshine and the rain, The bitter and the sweet? Perhaps. And, yet, I think not so. The sacred past is ours; And come what may, where'er…

Light as the foam on the crest of the billow, Hurrying over the street, Spins a fair creature as lithe as the willow, So dainty and neat. Many an eye the fair vision will follow, Heads from the watching will reel, As she floats on her way with…

One beautiful Easter morning, While nature seemed fresh and fair, Three children of men with their offerings Went up to the house of prayer. The first one laid on the altar A goodly sum of gold, Saying "This is my Easter offering But my heart…

The new-born Moon lies low on breastOf western sky, a silver streakScarce seen by me, a gentle freakOf nature's fancy, mild-light crestOf night's soft glory, whispering peaceTo grief hit watcher's weary soul,And giving promise rich and wholeIn truth…

The year is young; and hope withinOur hearts is gently stirred,As is the breast - upon her nest -Of tender mother bird.Harsh fate checked ambition's flightAnd fears our hearts have filled;And all ahead seemed dark and dead,As blighting fate had…
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