Browse Items (82 total)

Summer's lovely foliage
Will soon be past and gone.
And the autumn's luscious fruitage,
We then may gaze upon.
Then the youths will think of marriage;
And the lovely maiden fair
Will seek perchance to manage
To crimp or bang her hair.

Thou Bounteous Giver of all good, From Thy unfailing hand, We take with humble, grateful hearts, The blessings of the land. Thou dost supply our every want, Know'st every creature's need, And for the good of man, dost bless The sprinkling of…

I have seen the stars at sunset
Scattered o'er the western sky,
Peeping through the crimson cloud bars,
Beautiful unto the eye,
And I've seen the watermelon,
Crimson, seed decked, coated green,
Filled with cool, delicious sweetness,
Fit to…

What is time? A passing shadow, Phantom-like on mystic wings; Fleeting through a world of wonder, O'er our life a veil it flings. Deep, too deep for minds to fathom. Boundary line 'twixt life and death: Here to-day and gone to-morrow, Feeding…

If in the shadows I should linger long. - If I should faint and stumble by the way,And all the light should vanish from the day,Forgetting not that I had done you wrong,Remembering only love's all-conquering sway,Would you, sweet one, to my fond suit…

I'll win thee yet, my dainty lass, I'll win thee yet, Though you may say me nay, my lass, I'll win thee yet, While now your head you hold quite high,And steal your heart in vain I try, I'll win it yet, my pretty lass, I'll win it yet. Perhaps…

Oh, the gleam and the glitter, the glint and the glow,
The gurgle and gush, the growl and the go,
The ripple and rage, the rush and the roar,
Of the surges that roll on the sandy seashore,
Of the isle, Coney Isle,
Where there's many a thing to…

'Tis many days have breathed their life away Since first we met, old boy; some dark as night, In shadows steeped in woe, which put to flight Those restful dreams of youth, that gentle sway Of Love's sweet spell which made bright havoc play Unhurtful…

White, cream white; in pleat and band and fold;
The pure white of the snow touched with the sunset's gold:
With foamy flecks of lace, at bust and throat and wrist,
Like edge of pearling waves, when sandy beach they've kissed:
White, creamy white;…

Let mad ambition strive to gain
The cherished wish that yields but pain;
Let others seek for wealth alone
And with its cares their life atone;
But let me live my fleeting hour
The slave of love's divinest power.
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