Browse Items (82 total)

"COME TO JESUS"----1 Enar Jessebar,Ennar Jessebar,Enar Jessebar.Chorus - Sarnar, Sarnar.2 I Quebarlar,I Quebarlarlar.I Quebarlar.Chorus - Sarnar, Sarnar.3I Aquarmar,I Aquarmar,I Aquarmar.Chorus - Sarnar, Sarnar.4I Adarwar,I Adarwar,I Adarwar,I…

Magnificent! Magnificent, Thou Queen
Of cities! My every thought is fond and true
In loving memories of thee! And through
The mists of coming years, through trembling sheen
Of mystic shade dream-bound where morn is seen
To lift the veil of Night…

The dead - I wish them back? Ah, no.
I linger with the fragrance of this rose,
I hold in loving thought the dead, but chose
Them life again? What use? To come - to go?

Two bright, brown eyes, which told a story now
Of joy and then - reproach and pain and - loved.
Ah, winds canst bring me from the dreams above
That spell again, that life, that joy, that vow?

Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy ripping song finds voice In every sigh I breathe unto thy keeping, In every joy that to my heart comes leaping Sweet brook, I love they voice, Sing on, my love, sing on. Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy…

Did'st thou see, Love this dawning Sweet rose? I've wandered O, so far, Sweet rose; Yes, wandered since the morning First stole her speech from night And gave the world forewarning Of loss of sleep and star;And, yet, Iv'e caught no sight Of…

The new-born Moon lies low on breastOf western sky, a silver streakScarce seen by me, a gentle freakOf nature's fancy, mild-light crestOf night's soft glory, whispering peaceTo grief hit watcher's weary soul,And giving promise rich and wholeIn truth…

Fie, Philo, how you talk, You're mad, Mad, man, I say, as mad as death. Dost think men live and walk This earth for life alone? You balk The truth, you - waste your breath, You're mad. Men live for Truth, I know, For Truth; Truth, man, for…

My youth? Ah, yes; just through the door; yes, there. The room is empty? Strange. I left it not A moment since, I vow, upon a chair Just where you looked; and now 'tis gone? Sad lot. The past's a thief. 'Twas first my childhood, now It is my…

I dreamt there came a love I ne'er before
Had felt. I cannot tell its shape, it came
As comes the light of morn with just the same
Bright witching spell, and, lo, the dream was o'er.
I dreamt there came a sigh, on wings which bore
It deep into…
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