Browse Items (213 total)

These thoughts of home still charm my mind, Still sound so pleasant to my ear; Still bring me back my childhood scenes, Reminding me of friends most dear. As through the world's wher'er we roam, Though friends are dear and strangers kind, Fond…

"He has no enemies," you say, I pity his condition; His candor he has thrown away, His manhood and position. "He has no enemies!" well, then, The reason is he never Has heart to act, but only when He sees which way the weather. "He has no…

[The "Evening Post" publishes the following exquisite little poem, with a paragraph stating that it was received with a note, not from its author, to the effect that "it was written as a dirge for a friend—a young, gifted, and highly cultivated…

Not lost forever, though on earth we’ve parted; Not lost forever, though we meet no more: They do not wander lone and broken hearted Who see Heaven’s radiance on the further shore. Not lost forever! every gentle token, That memory wins me from…

Now is a constant warning stroke, Beat by the ceaseless clock of Time; A voice our wisdom to evoke, A mandate solemnly sublime; It bids us keep the soul awake, To do the best our means allow; To toil for truth's and virtue's sake, And make the…

I pity the slave mother, careworn and weary, Who sighs as she presses her babe to her breast: I lament her sad fate, all so hopeless and dreary, I lament for her woe, and her wrongs unredressed. You may picture the bonds of the rock-girded…

We do not mourn thee, bravest of the brave; Thou findest now that peace on earth denied thee, Thou dwellest now in radiant light and glory; A monument to Freedom is thy grave. Thou hast fulfilled the mission thee assigned, That mission of…

The following poem we regard as one of the most touchingly beautiful in the language, and well worthy of attentive perusal by every reader:Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow,Filling the sky and earth below!Over the house-tops, over the street,Over the…

One by one the sands are flowing, One by one the moments fall; Some are coming, some are going— Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy duties wait thee— Let thy whole strength go to each; Let no future dreams elate thee— Learn thou…

One year ago—a ringing voice, A clear blue eye, And clustering curls of sunny hair; Too fair to die! Only a year—no voice, no smile, No glance of eye, No clustering curls of golden hair, Fair but to die! One year ago—what loves, what…
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