Browse Items (752 total)

[The following sweet poem was read by the authoress at the re-opening of Colored Grammar School No. 1, March 12, 1860.—ED. ANGLO-AFRICAN]Take the footstool, little creature— Place it very gently down; Smooth the wrinkles very neatly From the…

In early youth I nursed a flower, Of sweet perfume and lovely hue, A favorite in my blooming bower, Warmed by the sun, refreshed by shower,Securely there it grew.If gladness filled my youthful breast, More bright its beauties shone; It seemed to…

The words went to thy heart! why were they new? -Long, long since was the title richly earn'd;Here is oppression's home - nor is her powerFelt only the injured, suffering slave;Among the free, the wealthy, whose who seemTo lead a happy life, are many…

Securely chained to the walls of stone,Within a dungeon damp and low—There ne'er was heard a triendly tone; A captive slept, A youthful brow the captive bore,And sadness deep his features wore,For darksome clouds his spirit o'er Had rudely…

Under the wave!Keel that has girt its furrow round the world,Canvas to every ocean breeze unfurled,Cordage that rang like harp-strings to the blast,Lithe spars that bent and struggled as it past,Like wrestler's braveInto the surging gulf of waters…

How solemn was the closing scene, When she yielded her last breath; How sweetly beamed the smile serene Upon the cheek of death. Her lovely hope no fears could blight, No pain her peace destroy, She viewed above, the beams of light, A pure and…

"There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a resemblance of the dead to which we turn, even from the charms of the living." The grave hath many a jewel rare Beneath the cypress tree - But Death ne'er placed a casket there More…

The heart can in its deepest hours, Find pleasure in the past, And in its present of delight, A joyful radiance cast. On kindred souls an impress dwells, A bond of union sweet, A tender chord of love and joy, To make that bond complete. As…

He is risen! He is risen!Let it echo far and near,Tell it out to every nation,All can in His glory share.Earth is robed in spotless beauty,Ready to receive the King,In the triumph of His kingdom,Heaven and earth His praises sing.Hark! the sound of…

Sweet the mission that it brings,O'er our life a joy it flings,We now hail it with delight,Like a vision calm and bright.Through the vale of passing years,Through the mist of earthly cares,Summer comes with breezes sweet,Loving homes and hearts to…
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