Browse Items (752 total)

Arise, for the day is passing— While you lie dreaming on, Your brothers are eased in armor, And forth to the fight are gone; Your place in the ranks awaits you— Each man has a part to play; The past and the future are nothing In the face of…

Cotton is king, high priest of Mammon, Ruling the nation with imperial sway; His will is law, all else is gammon— The people murmur, but murmuring obey. 'Tis strange to notice how a simple thing, Pregnant with force potential, yet…

Thy work is done, thy toiling ceased,And from thy cares thou seekest rest;Thou hast done well, a race wll bless,And heavn reward thy faithfulness.Thy voice was heard for human right,Thy heart grew strong and spent its mightFor human weal. Thy beacon…

"There's no such thing as death;" To those who think aright, 'Tis but the racer casting off What most impedes his flight: 'Tis but one little act, Life's drama must contain; One struggle keener than the rest, And then an end of pain. "There's…

We do not mourn thee, bravest of the brave; Thou findest now that peace on earth denied thee, Thou dwellest now in radiant light and glory; A monument to Freedom is thy grave. Thou hast fulfilled the mission thee assigned, That mission of…

The following poem we regard as one of the most touchingly beautiful in the language, and well worthy of attentive perusal by every reader:Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow,Filling the sky and earth below!Over the house-tops, over the street,Over the…

Stand firm, John Brown, till your fate is o'er, For the world, with an anxious eye, Looks on as it seldom loked before, As the hour of your doom draws night. Stand firm, John Brown! Dread not the blow that a coward deals, And fear not the…

Rear on high the scaffold-altar! all the world will turn to see.How a man has dared to suffer that his brothers may be free!Rear it on some hill-side looking north and south and east and westWhere the wind from every quarter fresh may blow upon his…

Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness,Leave the gloomy haunts of sadness,Come into the daylight's splendor,There with joy thy praises renderUnto Him whose boundless graceGrants thee at His feet a place;He whom all the heavens obey,Deigns to dwell in…

Hind quarters of the type of innocence,Whether with peas and mint I must dispenseOr go the twain, blaspheming the expense.And thus enjoy thee in the fullest sense, That is the question. Rear section of young mutton—tender food—Just in the dawn of…
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