Browse Items (752 total)

Be gentle, there are hours when he By anxious care is tossed, And shadows deep lie on his brow, By business trials crossed. Be gentle, 'tis for you he toils, And thinks, and strives to gain Home comforts and home happiness; Don't let him…

The world is half-darkened with the croakers, Whose burdens are weighing them down; They croak of their stars and ill-usage. And grope in the ditch for a crown. Why talk to the wind of thy fortune, Or clutch at distinction and gold? If thou…

"There's no such thing as death;" To those who think aright, 'Tis but the racer casting off What most impedes his flight: 'Tis but one little act, Life's drama must contain; One struggle keener than the rest, And then an end of pain. "There's…

We do not mourn thee, bravest of the brave; Thou findest now that peace on earth denied thee, Thou dwellest now in radiant light and glory; A monument to Freedom is thy grave. Thou hast fulfilled the mission thee assigned, That mission of…

Hind quarters of the type of innocence,Whether with peas and mint I must dispenseOr go the twain, blaspheming the expense.And thus enjoy thee in the fullest sense, That is the question. Rear section of young mutton—tender food—Just in the dawn of…

I watch for thee when parting day
Sheds on the earth a lingering ray;
When his last blushes o'er the rose
A richer tint of crimson throws,
And every flowert's leaves are curled
Like beauty shrinking from the world;
When silence reigns o'er lawn…

There is a time, just when the frost Prepares to pave old Winter's way, When Autumn, in a reverie lost, The mellow daytime dreams away. When Summer comes, in musing mind, To gaze once more on hill and dell, To mark how many sheaves they…

Close the door lightly, Bridle the breath, Our little earth Angel Is talking with death; Gently he wooes her, She wishes to stay, His arms are about her— He bears her away! Music comes floating Down from the dome; Angels are chanting The…

Drop follows drop, and swells With rain the sweeping river; Word follows word, and tells A truth that lives forever. Flake follows flake, like sprites Whose wings the winds dissever; Thought follows thought, and lights The realm of mind…

I've lost my little May at last; She perished in the spring, When earliest flowers began to bud, And earliest birds to sing; I laid her in a country grav, A green and soft retreat, A marble tablet o'er her head, And violets at her feet. I…
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