Browse Items (752 total)

An Enigma, said to have been written by Mr. Canning - which for a length of time baffled the skill of all England to solve."There is a word of plural number,A foe to peace and human slumber.Now any word you chance to take,By adding S, you plural…

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad or them; And the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, And rejoice even with joy and singing; The glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it. The excellency of…

Women are made; so fate declares,To smoothe our linen and our cares,And `tis but just, for by my troth,They're very apt to ruffle both.

SLY BELZEHUB took all occasionsTo try Job's constancy and patience;He took his honor, took his health;He took his children, took his wealth;His servants, horses, oxen, cows; -But cunning SATAN did not take his Spouse.But Heaven, that brings out good…

How sweet the pensive hour of even, When Nature sinking to repose, Robed in the loveliest dies of Heaven, Around her glowing shadow throws. Yon Golden cloud, arrayed in beauty, So richly tinged with every hue, What artist's skill can ever…

If in the silence of this lonely eve, With the street-lamp pale-flickering on the wall, A spirit were to say to me—"Believe, Thou shalt be answered. Call!"—Whom should I call? And when I were to see thee gliding in With thy pale robes (that in…

Great God! we thank thee for this day, And all its mercies given; O may the blessings we've received, Direct our souls to heaven. O Lord! watch o'er us through this night, Be thou our Gardian near, And keep us safe till morning light, Without…

I come to Thee to-night In my lone closet, where no eye can see, And dare to crave and interview with Thee, Father of love and light! Softly the moonbeams shine On the still branches of the shadowy trees, While all sweet sounds of evening on the…

There is one mind, one omnipresent mind,Omnific. His most holy name is Love.Truth of sublime import! with the whichWho feeds and saturates his constant soul,He from his small particular orbit fliesWith bless'd outstarting! From Himself he…

Fading, still fading, is written on all; Over life's pathway still lingers the pall. Joy for the youthful Fill high the brim - Ere it be tasted Pale death enters in. Bright flowers unfold At the dawning of light; What are those flowers At the…
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