Browse Items (752 total)

What are the joys that Christmas brings? Are they the gifts of precious things From loved ones near? Then, should all happiness be flown And poverty and hate unknown, In forms so drear! What joys dost thou, dear Christmas, bring? What makes our…

Give us the nerves of steel, And the arm of fearless might, And the strength of will that is ready still To battle for the right. Give us the eye to weep That honest tear of feeling, That shuts not down for the world's dread frown, The genuine…

"Not by the lion's paw, the serpent's tooth, By sudden sun-stroke, or by slow decay, War, famine, plague, meek messenger of truth, Wert thou arrested on thy pilgrim way. "The sultry whirlwind spared thee in its wrath; The lightning flashed…

Launch thy bark, mariner! Christian, God speed thee! Let loose the rudder bands - Good angels lead thee! Set thy sails warily, Tempests will come: Steer thy course steadily, Christian, steer home! Look to the weather bow, Breakers are round…

Close on the beach, where Ocean's waves Roll wild and furious to the shore, A pining maiden sits and raves, Her sighs commixing with the roar. 'Twas once, ah! once her breast knew joy, And tears scath'd not her blooming cheek; But there are griefs…

"One evening - `tis an eastern story ---The lilly slept, the bat was flitting,The sun, on clouds of crimson glory,Was like an ancient sultan sitting;The sky was dew, the air was balm,The camels by the tents were grazing,A pilgrim sat beneath a…

The light of Home! how bright it beams! When evening shades around us fall, And from the lattice far it gleams, To love and rest, and comfort call; When wearied with the toils of day, The strife for glory, gold or fame, How sweet to seek the…

"Room for the leper! Room!" And as he cameThe cry passed on - "Room for the leper! Room!"Sunrise was slanting on the city gatesRosy and beautiful, and from the hillsThe early risen poor were coming inDuly and cheerfully to their toil, and upRose the…

Ah poor Louise! The live long dayShe roams from cot to castle gay;And still her voice and viol say,Ah maids, beware the woodland way, Think on Louise! Ah, poor Louise! The sun was high,It smirch'd her cheek, it dim'd her eye,The woodland walk was…

Thou visitest the earth,And waterest it;Thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God,Which is full of water.Thou preparest them corn,When thou hast so provided for it.Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly;Thou settlest the furrows…
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