Browse Items (752 total)

In early youth I nursed a flower, Of sweet perfume and lovely hue, A favorite in my blooming bower, Warmed by the sun, refreshed by shower,Securely there it grew.If gladness filled my youthful breast, More bright its beauties shone; It seemed to…

The following beautiful lines are by James Russel Lowell, though not included in the latest edition of his works: The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every…

I bid thee to my mystic feast, Each one thou lovest is gathered there;Yet put thou on a mourning robe,And bind the cypress in thy hair. The hail is vast, and cold, and drear;The board with faded flowers is spread,Shadows of beauty flit around,But…

A farmer's life is the life for me, I own I love it dearly; And every season, full of glee, I take its labors cheerly - To plough or sow, To reap or mow, Or in the barn to thrash, sir, All's one to me, I plainly see 'Twill bring me…

How painfully pleasing the fond recollection Of youthful connections and innocent joys, When blest with parental advice and affection, Surrounded with mercies, with peace from on high. I still view the chairs of my sire and my mother, The seats…

"E. Pluribus Unum."The father, mother, daughter son,A precious many all in one—A sacredOne, of many made,To which should homage true be paid.Upon them shine the sun of peace,Nor o'er its holy beaming cease,As halo-life they circle roundThe hearth…

How gloriously it beameth, With twinkling, silver ray, Resplendent in its beauty, To light us on our way. Though oft the clouds are heavy, And shadows cast before, That star on all was shining, From hut to palace door. The firmament above…

Mild arch of promise, in the evening sky, Thou shinest fair with many a lovely ray, Each in the other melting. Much mine eye Delights to linger on thee; for the day, Changeful and many-weathered, seemed to smile, Flashing brief splendor thro' the…

Think gently of the erring— Ye know not of the power With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, or how well, Until the hour of weaknes came, And sadly thus they fell. Think gently…

A gallant craft is on the sea, The breeze is fresh and fair; And ganner's brave are waving free As autumn leaves in fall. The veteran Godey leads the way, With Bonner following near; And Harper strives to win the day, So bravely does he…
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