Browse Items (752 total)

We entered noiselessly, - our spirits quelled,Our passions hushed to quietude: there stoleO'er us a kind of awe, a solemn, deep,And softening emotion; o'er our soulsThe tide unbidden swept; 't was sweet, and yetIt saddened with a sadness which it…

My days pass pleasantly away; My nights are blest with sweepest sleep; I fees no symptom's of decay; I have no cause to mourn nor weep; My foes are impotent and shy; My friends are neither false nor cold, And yet, of late, I often sigh— I'm…

A hymn more, O my lyre! Praise to the God above. Of joy, and life, and love, Sweeping its strings of fire! Oh! who the speed of bird and wind, And sunbeam's glance will lend to me, That soaring upward, I may find My resting-place and home in…

Token of friendship true and tried, From one whose fiery heart of youth With mine has beaten side by side, For Liberty and Truth: With honest pride the gift I take And prize it for the giver's sake. But not alone because it tells Of generous…

John Brown of Osawatomie Spake on his dying day: "I will not have to shrive my soul A priest in slavery's pay; But let some poor slave mother, Whom I have striven to free, With her children, from the gallows-stair Put up a prayer for me! John…

Bland as the morning's breath of June, The south-west breezes play, And through it's haze the winter's noon Seems warm as summer's day. The snow-plumed angel of the north Has dropped his icy spear: Again the mossy earth looks forth, Again the…

A sound of tumult troubles all the air, Like the low thunder of a sultry sky, Far rolling ere the downright lightning's glare; The hills blaze red with warning; foes draw nigh. Treading the dark with challenge and reply.Behold the burdn of the…

'T was the grey of the evening. A consorious spellCame over my thoughts, as the shade o'er the dell;For the spirit of liberty mantled the plain,But wherever I moved was the clank of a chain.The cattle were lowing and seeking their rest,And songsters…

A farmer's life is the life for me, I own I love it dearly; And every season, full of glee, I take its labors cheerly - To plough or sow, To reap or mow, Or in the barn to thrash, sir, All's one to me, I plainly see 'Twill bring me…

Oh, holy Father! just and true, Are all thy works, and words, and ways, And unto Thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise! As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye - we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and…
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