Browse Items (752 total)

The following is the new version of the National Anthem: God save Victoria! Long live Victoria! God save the Queen! May she triumphantly Reign o'er nation free, Their boundless joy to be - God save the Queen! O Lord, our God, arise, Scatter her…

Haste thee, haste thee, hour divine,Joys extatic - bliss is thine,And raptures from the throne above -Sweeter those, than life to me,When the world and cares do flee;And Jesus speaks, in tones of love,O, time of prayer! O, hour divine! -Extatic joys…

Give Jehovah, give ye to him Strength and glory, sons of light! Give the Lord the glory due him, Give him majesty and might. Bow before him! Lo! he comes in splendor bright. Hark! the God of glory thunders! 'Tis Jehovah's voice on…

Brethren, - the hour hath come That severs heart from heart, And bids from learning's sacred dome Our pilgrim steps depart. Some to you eastern sphere, Where the dead idols reign, The banner of the cross to rear O'er Falsehood's giant fane;…

Farewell - we go! we go! "Brethren, tell us whiter? " Murmuring long and low, In her heathen woe, Asia calls us thither! Sad Afric loads the gale With her prayerful weeping; For the mission sail, Till the stars prevail, Still her lone watch…

Roll on thou joyful day, When tyranny's proud sway Stern as the grave, Shall to the grave be hurled, And freedom's flag unfurled,Shall wave throughout the world, O'er every slave. Trump of glad jubilee; Echo o'er land and sea, Freedom for…

ONWARD! our noble champion! Though clouds above thee lower, Though friend and foe alike combine - Thou wilt not dread their power. Onward! for faint hearts look to thee For courage 'mid the storm' And many a fervent prayer goes up To shield…

"There is poetry that is not written: - it is living in the hearts of many to whom rhyme is a mystery." - N.P. Willis. Thou hast a fragrant, beauteous flower, Whose kindred blossoms wave In ev'ry breeze that floats around The bard of Avon's…

Were I as black as ebony - Dy'd with a torrid sun, Or with his milder beams but tinged A Hindoo, brown or dun; Or was I of the sallow hue Where temperate beams prevail - Or did I wear a snowy brow, By Northern winds bleached pale; The cause I…

The fair smile of morning, The glory of noon, The bright stars, adorning The path of the moon; The mist covered mountain, The valley and plain, The lake and the fountain, The river and main - Their magic combining, Illume and control, The…
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