Browse Items (752 total)

What matter if the world be right or wrong, The wrong to-day, to-morrow brings to sight, Or else the right supreme and strong. But stop, I am aweary, quench the light, Life's problems is beyong my hapless song, I dream to nothingness - to self -…

What matters if the world be wrong or right,
The wrong to-day to-morrow brings to sight,
O'er all supreme the one and only right.
The problem's past my solving, hapless wight,
I only know I'm tired, quench the light,
To all the universe, good…

SongI walked alone thro' the forest,The noon-day sun was shining,And zephyrs softly whisperedTo wild flowers there reclining;The birds sang joyous music,The wood rang with their lay.And my heart caught their rapture,And soared in bliss away.A cloud…

Sweet the mission that it brings,O'er our life a joy it flings,We now hail it with delight,Like a vision calm and bright.Through the vale of passing years,Through the mist of earthly cares,Summer comes with breezes sweet,Loving homes and hearts to…

Ah, Fancy, what a prank you've played me, To make me dream of fate assured You should have said she did not want me, Just think, I may've the other girl secured.

A dreamer? Yes. Why not? You have your way.
You think, perhaps you even dream. I know
Not if you dream like me; but whether so
Or otherwise, have you ne'er felt the day
Steal to your heart and bring the light and play
Of incompleted want? Hath…

I simply asked a song My fancy to amuse; How could'st thy cruel scorn My trustful heart abase? The boon thou would'st not give Fair Jessie granted me; Still may life's joy e'er live To bring no pain to thee. Had'st thou but first asked…

And thou art eight years old to-day?
How swiftly pass the years away!
Thy life has been a happy dream,
As bright as any bright sunbeam.
And may each birthday bring to thee
The gladness thou hast brought to me.
May length of years be thine to…

Only a bunch of lilacs, Laid on a coffin lid; 'Neath which the face of a loved one From tearful eyes lies hid. Only a loving tribute From hands by toil made hard. Blossoms from Nature's garden Or cotter's humble yard. Only a bunch of…

I love the wild and wooly West,
Where winds cavort so free;
The effete East has now, at least,
No charms at all for me.
I love the lands that stretch away,
Toward the setting sun;
Where tender feet on bosses fleet,
Are followed with a gun.
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