Browse Items (752 total)

Oh! there are hours whose memory will With golden drapery deck the soul, And through her inmost centre thrill, Awakening bliss beyond control. Aye, there are hours which paint the world The very vestibule of heaven, As if some angel wing,…

Farewell, brother's gentle breezes Waft thee o'er the briny deep; May the eye that never slumbers His sure vigils o'er the keep. May the hand that's never weary, Blessings give to thee and thine; Blessings on them, Holy Father, From thy never…

No blots on the banner of Light! No Slaves in the land of the Free! No Wrong should be rampant where all should be Right, No sin that is shameful to see! America,—show the wide world in thy strength How sternly determined thou art To cut from…

THERE is a song, whose echo's rang Throughout the vault on high - Angels descended first and sang 'Salvation' thro' the sky. Sweet music! Oh what rapt'rous words Were blended in that song! A Saviour! - 'we his name record' - Thus shout th'…

Saw ye where the Savior keptWatch, while his disciples slept?Did ye hear the Savior speak,While the sweat bedewed his cheek?Did ye listen to the Lord,And receive the hallowed word?Heard ye your Redeemer sayTo his followers, "Watch and pray?"Not to…

I AM weary of my life, I am tired of the earth,Of its dark sorrows and boisterous mirth,Of its changeful scenes, its uncertain joys,Its wo that frowns, and its pleasure that cloys,Of its dreams that delude the youthful breast:- Would that I could…

The brakes with golden flowers were crowned,And melody was heard around,When near a stream, a dew-drop shedIts lustre on a violet's head;While, trembling to the breeze, it hung.The streamlet as it rolled along,The beauty of the morn confessed,And…

The royal casket fair. Hath ne'er a jewel rare From tropics brought, That we could e'er compare With gems of thought. Such gems as glow and glow, Ia beauty everymore: Upon each page; Whose earnest lines doth show Poet and sage. Sent on its mission…

A gallant craft is on the sea, The breeze is fresh and fair; And ganner's brave are waving free As autumn leaves in fall. The veteran Godey leads the way, With Bonner following near; And Harper strives to win the day, So bravely does he…

I saw a band of brothers move, With slow and solemn tread; Their hearts were join'd by ties of love, In charity were wed. Sad types of light's illumin'd ray Shone on the path they trod; And in the midst, wide open lay The gospel of our God. I asked a…
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