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TUNE - "I see them on their winding way."This is our Nation's natal day!Her starry banners brightly play;And marshaled hosts, with fife and drum,In long and bright procession come,To celebrate with honors due,The deeds of heroes bold and true;Who…

a late princess.jpg
Unthinking, idle, wild, and young,
I laugh'd and danc'd, and talk'd and sung,
And, proud of health, of freedom vain,
Dreampt not of sorrow, care, or pain;
Concluding in those hours of glee,
That all the world was made for me.

But, when the…

IS GLOUCESTER dead! The man of GOD?Why! I saw him, but the other dayWith cheerfulness upon his brow,Oh! has he now so soon decayed!YES, I saw him, mount the sacred desk;There, with energy proclaim the truth,While, listening ears, hung upon his…

'Twas on that glad and glorious morn Rejoicing freemen love so well, A Chief, from distant Afric torn, Lay chain'd within his prison cell; And, as from troubled sleep he rose, His own, his country's burning woes, Rush'd on his soul, - and in his…

While I stand in the land of my birth, I will stand in it upright and free; Or my body shall cover the earth, Ere I bow to oppression my knee! Here's a hand for a cause that is just - Here's a heart that's liberty's throne; But they both…

"Have children never heard nor read, How God abhors deceit and wrong! How Annanias was struck dead, Caught with a lie upon his tongue! So die his wife Sapphira die When she came in, and grew so bold, As to confirm the wicked lie, That, just…

Deep in this grave, her bones remain, -She's sleeping on bereft of pain, -Her tongue in silence now does sleep,And she no more times call can greet.She lived, as all God's saints should do,Resigned to death, and suffering too:She feel's not pain, nor…

See, Freedom's eagle droops her plume, And bends her noble crest, In grief for him who martyred fell, In Liberty's contest. Not Broderick only, but the cause Was riven by the blow, And treachery, with blackened art, Has slain her bravest…

Close on the beach, where Ocean's waves Roll wild and furious to the shore, A pining maiden sits and raves, Her sighs commixing with the roar. 'Twas once, ah! once her breast knew joy, And tears scath'd not her blooming cheek; But there are griefs…

Hail! land of Leonidas still, Though Moslems encircle thy shore; And swear in their vengeance to fill The cup of thy destiny o'er. Yet quail not, descendants of those, The heroes of Marathon's plain; Better lay where your fathers repose, Than wear…
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