Browse Items (752 total)

Ho! thou traveller on life's highway, Moving carelessly along— Pausing not to watch the shadows Lowering o'er the mighty throng! Stand aside, and mark how feebly Some are struggling in the fight. Turning on thee wistful glances— Begging thee…

I dreamed of you the other nightA little dream, and yet so bright,It made me happy all the day,Thinking how kindly was the wayYou took my hand and pressed it oftUpon your lips so fresh and soft:Then smoothing from my face the hairThat is so often…

Shout to the winds of heavenBabylon at length shall fall;The flat hath been givenAnd mightly watchers call"The time is come! her g[?] yokeFrom off cretion's neck is broke!"Toussaint L'Overture,With myriad unseen bands,Has made destruction sure;And…

When we hear the music ringing Through the bright celestial dume, When sweet angels voices singing, Gladly bid us welcome home To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care, In the land of light and glory, "Shall we know each…

See them go forth like the floods to the ocean. Gathering might from each tide mountains and glen. Wilder and deeper the tide of devotion Rolls up to God from the bosom of men. Here the great multitude, mingling in chorus. Groan as they gaze…

Yield not the RightIn Freedom's fight;The rallying cry renew,Ye patriots who have fought and won,And yet the war is but begun;Humanity in youStill trusts; be true!Yield not your RightIn Freedom's fight;Our Country is not free,While yet one soul that…

TheTimes' Warsaw correspondent says—Th singing of the National Hymn still continues. Indeed, though of Roman Catholic origin, and containing prayers for the dead, it has been recently sung during divine service in the churches of both Lutheran and…

There's music in the airWhen the infant morn is nigh,When faint its blush is seenOn the bright and laughing sky.Many a harp's extatic sound,With its thrill of joy profound,While we list enchanted thereTo the music in the air.There's music in the…

[The following remarkable poem was sent to me from the South by a friend, who informs me that the author of it was a slave named Mingo, a man of wonderful talents and on that [?] oppressed by his master. While in the slave prison, he penciled this…

Tune—Happy-HomeSend the glad tidings o'er the sea,—His chains are broke, the Slave is free;Britannia's justice, wealth, and mightHave gained the Negro's long-lost right!His chains are broke, the Slave is free,—This is the Negro's jubilee!Hail!…
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