Browse Items (752 total)

TWO VOICES. While yet the sun, God's servant, waits, And his reviving beams delays, Around the attendant, misty earth, A dim, cold influence plays. Thou First! and High! and Holy One! Our light of life from thee descends; Thy dim reflections…

"A NEW YEAR'S GIFT," from thee, O Lord, I crave!For thou are full, and overflowest stillWith blessings spiritual, through the whole churchArrived in heaven, and all who wait below,Thy sovereign call to hear, and all who wait below,Have tasted of thy…

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying clouds, the frostly light; The Year is dying in the night, Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The Year is going, let it…

My country! 'tis for thee, Dark land of slavery, For Thee I weep; Land where the slave has signed, Land, where he toiled and died, To serve a tyrant's pride - For thee I weep, My native country! thee, Land of the noble free - Of Liberty - My…

Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell! Said the Universalist bell. Look up to heaven this holy day,Attend this church, and learn the way.There are no fires or fiends to blightThe hope within the heart we light.Ding! dong! there is no hell! no…

A gentle, holy quiet rests Upon her heavenly face, And on her forehead, fair and smooth, Dwells not an angry trace! No wrinkle there of discontent, Or anxious care is seen; But peace sits smiling on that brow, All polished and serene. The…

Father of all, this Sabbath night My soul, I'll lift to thee, - I pray that thou wilt guide me right, 'Till I am call'd to eternity. Forbid, O Father! that I should stray From thy most just command - Lord sin abounds here every day, Altho' at…

Comes she not? The ship was wont to glide With bird-like speed athwart the ocean foam. Floats not her flag upon the distant tide? Gleam not her white sails through the gray mist's gloom? In hushed suspense, weeks heavily pass o'er; She comes not…

"Dear beauteous death! the jewel of the just, Shining nowhere but in the dark, What mysteries do lie beyond thy dust, Could we outlook that mark!"

It is unnatural, we learn by sight, For things to sorrow long. Philosophy, Whose ken is clear, does prove us this. Still night, Which sits, so frequent weeping that the eye Of twilight should neglect her, - scorns to sigh, So soon as wooers…
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