Browse Items (752 total)


A sound of tumult troubles all the air, Like the low thunders of a sultry sky Far-rolling ere the downright lightnings glare: The hills blaze red with warnings: foes draw nigh, Treading the dark with challenge and reply. Behold the burden of the…

What might be done if men were wise— What glorious deeds, my suffering brother, Would they unite, In love and right, And cease their scorn of one another? Oppression's heart might be imbued With kindling drops of loving kindness; And knowledge…

I asked old time and the spheres,To answer this question so high;Days, months, and the swift rolling yearsBut neither gave any replyI stood on a steep precipice,And call'd to the surges below,If ocean could answer me this?Its hoarse billows murmured…

What is time? A passing shadow, Phantom-like on mystic wings; Fleeting through a world of wonder, O'er our life a veil it flings. Deep, too deep for minds to fathom. Boundary line 'twixt life and death: Here to-day and gone to-morrow, Feeding…

Let the phantoms of the nightShriek and scream their mad delight!Let the ghosts that haunt the gloomCome forth from their clammy tomb!Let the Furies of the deep Through the slumbering midnight sweep!What care I! For, truth to tell.With such creatures…

Weep, Emeline, weep,And no tongue shall reprove thee;Weep, Emeline, weepFor the friends that did live thee.The flowers in the lightOf the sunshine are blooming;But the checks that were bright,In the grave are consuming.The birds on the treesSing as…

When troubles dark and stormy Thou seest fit to send, We beg Thee to Thy servants Thy precious grace to lend. O, Father and the Son, We pray, Thy will be done. When death, the stern dark reaper, Takes from our jealous care Those we most dearly…

We come o'er mountain top,And inland sea!We come from whence rises upSongs of the free!We come up from Montauk,Where old Ocean's waveSwells proudly, dies gently onShore; 'tis her grave.We come up from Flushing,Will'sburg* and Newtown,From Brooklyn,…

I have seen the stars at sunset
Scattered o'er the western sky,
Peeping through the crimson cloud bars,
Beautiful unto the eye,
And I've seen the watermelon,
Crimson, seed decked, coated green,
Filled with cool, delicious sweetness,
Fit to…
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