Browse Items (251 total)

Free Senator! accept the lay The unknown muse attunes for thee, Not for the valorous display Of martial feats and chivalry, Or for the blood-stained laurels won By knightly feats of daring done. Not for the palm of high renown, The price of…

'Vergiss die treuen todten nicht!'* 1. Dear sainted one! how calmly turns my mind to vanish'd days,With what a deep delight I dwell on all thy words and ways;Thy bright sweet smiles, thy beaming glance, thy open tranquil brow,With what a life-like…

TWO VOICES. While yet the sun, God's servant, waits, And his reviving beams delays, Around the attendant, misty earth, A dim, cold influence plays. Thou First! and High! and Holy One! Our light of life from thee descends; Thy dim reflections…

Away from home my love, my wife! How slow the lingering moments roll! Nature with every charm is rife, And Autumn casts her solemn stole O'er glem and mountain, wood and plain. But home has charms of stronger spell, And voices which I feel…

Like an ocean breeze afloat,In a little pearly boat -Pearl within, and round about,And a silken streamer out.Over the sea, over the sea.Merrily, merrily saileth he!Not for battle, not for pelf,But to pleasure his own self,Sails he on for many a…

TUNE - "I see them on their winding way."This is our Nation's natal day!Her starry banners brightly play;And marshaled hosts, with fife and drum,In long and bright procession come,To celebrate with honors due,The deeds of heroes bold and true;Who…

While I stand in the land of my birth, I will stand in it upright and free; Or my body shall cover the earth, Ere I bow to oppression my knee! Here's a hand for a cause that is just - Here's a heart that's liberty's throne; But they both…

"Have children never heard nor read, How God abhors deceit and wrong! How Annanias was struck dead, Caught with a lie upon his tongue! So die his wife Sapphira die When she came in, and grew so bold, As to confirm the wicked lie, That, just…

Deep in this grave, her bones remain, -She's sleeping on bereft of pain, -Her tongue in silence now does sleep,And she no more times call can greet.She lived, as all God's saints should do,Resigned to death, and suffering too:She feel's not pain, nor…

Beautiful evening! my bewildered brain And aching bosom, with fond orisons, bless The coming of thy shadows - faint with pain, And yearning for the hours of quietness That follow in the twilight. The fair morn Unfurls o'er eastern hills her…
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