Browse Items (251 total)

I woke, and every lordling of the groveWas clad in diamonds, and the lowliest shrubDid wear its crest of brilliants gallantly.The swelling hillocks, with their woven vines,The far seen forest, and the broken hedge,Yea, every thicket gleam'd in bright…

Now autumn moves with chilling breath, And all her winds prevail, And you sweet flower whose hue is death Stands trembling in the gale; Leaf after leaf all withered shed, And scattered on the ground, And how the flower, the stem is dead Nor…

We come o'er mountain top,And inland sea!We come from whence rises upSongs of the free!We come up from Montauk,Where old Ocean's waveSwells proudly, dies gently onShore; 'tis her grave.We come up from Flushing,Will'sburg* and Newtown,From Brooklyn,…

Saw ye where the Savior keptWatch, while his disciples slept?Did ye hear the Savior speak,While the sweat bedewed his cheek?Did ye listen to the Lord,And receive the hallowed word?Heard ye your Redeemer sayTo his followers, "Watch and pray?"Not to…

Vermont, in presenting these noble resolutions with an American Congress in the face of so much plagued malice and cruelty, appeared like an angel of mercy walking upon the high places of the earth. Who might not on that day have covered the honor of…

Like to the falling of a star;Or as the flights of eagles are;Or like the fresh Spring's gaudy hue;Or silver drops of morning dew;Or like the wind that chafes the flood;Or bubbles which on water stood;Even such is man, whose borrowed lightIs straight…

Beautiful evening! my bewildered brain And aching bosom, with fond orisons, bless The coming of thy shadows - faint with pain, And yearning for the hours of quietness That follow in the twilight. The fair morn Unfurls o'er eastern hills her…

'Tis evening now - the Sun's last smileSoft on the snowy peaks is flung;And o'er the shadowy dells, the while,The veil of gathering night is hung,Dark, and more deep, the shades come down,And softer glows the fading light,'Till the last beam of day…

There is an evening twilight of the heart, When its wild passion-waves are lulled to rest, And the eye sees life's fairy scenes depart, As fades the day beam in the rosy west. 'Tis with a nameless feeling of regret We gaze upon them as they melt…

WEEP, orphans, weep! - for ye have lost a friend - Ye widows, shed the tributary tear; Ye sons of want - come, and in sadness bend O'er the loved form - now cold and lifeless here; Weep, captives, weep! - ye sick and injur'd too, Ye lone and…
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