Browse Items (251 total)

The spring of feeling gushes there, In mystic light from virtue's rays, Is like the pure undying air That o'er the fact of nature plays; No selfish view, or sordid tie, Around the MOTHER'S heart will cling, Nor in the hidden bed will lie A…

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…

While, with ceaseless course, the sun Hasted through the former year, Many souls their race have run, Never more to meet us here! Fixed in an eternal state, They have done with all below; We a little longer wait; But how little, none can…

'Vergiss die treuen todten nicht!'* 1. Dear sainted one! how calmly turns my mind to vanish'd days,With what a deep delight I dwell on all thy words and ways;Thy bright sweet smiles, thy beaming glance, thy open tranquil brow,With what a life-like…

New York, April 3, 1837. I. Come listen to my story, Tho' often told before, Of men who deem it glory To pass thro' travail sore; Of men who do for conscience' sake, There name and wealth forego, - Like those who sought their freedom…

There is no peculiarity of my native New England I miss so much as the roaring of the sea. Extract from a Letter. The roaring sea - the roaring sea! How would my heart rejoice To pace again its sandy shores, To hear its thunder voice! I pine to…

I. O COLDLY gleams the setting sun, And the dews of eve are chill; The flood is in the valley, And the mist upon the hill. November's blast comes sweeping Through the forest lone and sere - And the waning year goes creeping, To her cold and…

Think of our country's glory, All dimm'd with Afric's tears - Her broad flag stain'd and gory With the hoarded guilt of years! Think of the frantic mother, Lamenting for her child, Till falling lashes smother Her cries of anguish wild! Think…

God is love - His mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss He makes, and wo He lightens - God is Wisdom - God is Love. Change and chance are busy ever, May decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never - God is Wisdom - God is…

Is this the land our fathers loved? The freedom which they toiled to wine? Is this the soil whereon they moved? Are these the graves they slumber in? Are we the dons by whom is borne The mantle which the dead have worn? And shall we crouch above…
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