Browse Items (82 total)

Thou Bounteous Giver of all good, From Thy unfailing hand, We take with humble, grateful hearts, The blessings of the land. Thou dost supply our every want, Know'st every creature's need, And for the good of man, dost bless The sprinkling of…

When the twilight shadows deepen, Bringing evening to its close, Calm and peaceful are the moments, Verging on to night's repose. When the twilight shadows bring us Gentle memories of the past, Then the mist of time is lifted, With no shadow…

Of that far distant city,A theme has oft been told,By poets and by sages,Who lived in days of old.That theme a lovely story,Of which we never tire,Has reached us through the ages,And still our hearts inspire.That story - must I tell it?Ah, no! 'tis…

A glimmering haze upon the landscape rests;
The sky has on a softer robe of blue;
And the slant sunbeams glisten mildly through
The floating clouds that light their pearly crests
'Mid the pure currents of the upper air.
The fields are dress'd in…

Young Elize and I were strolling along the sunlit shore;Elise and I were talking of days that would come no moreShe lifted up her hand and said: "These waves shall witness be, - I pledge thee my hand and heart within sound of the moaning sea."And…

I simply asked a song My fancy to amuse; How could'st thy cruel scorn My trustful heart abase? The boon thou would'st not give Fair Jessie granted me; Still may life's joy e'er live To bring no pain to thee. Had'st thou but first asked…

White, cream white; in pleat and band and fold;
The pure white of the snow touched with the sunset's gold:
With foamy flecks of lace, at bust and throat and wrist,
Like edge of pearling waves, when sandy beach they've kissed:
White, creamy white;…

Within the heart of each and all,
A hidden recess lies:
Wherein some secret sorrow rests,
The source of all the sighs.
A blighted hope: ambition's wreck;
A love-like withered flower, -
Bearing in death a fragrance still,
That giveth it a…

Let others boast of maidens fair,Of eyes of blue and golden hair;My heart like needle ever trueTurns to the maid of ebon hue.I love her form of matchless grace,The dark brown beauty of her face,Her lips that speak of love's delight,Her eyes that…

What matters if the world be wrong or right,
The wrong to-day to-morrow brings to sight,
O'er all supreme the one and only right.
The problem's past my solving, hapless wight,
I only know I'm tired, quench the light,
To all the universe, good…
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