Browse Items (213 total)

Our children! O, those magic words, They vibrate through the frame As if the chords of life were touched, And sacred music came. Our children! though but simple words, Yet peace and joy impart; They serve us as a link to bind Hope's rainbow…

Nothing is our own, we hold our pleasures Just a little while 'ere they are fled; One by one life robs us of our treasures; Nothing is our own except our dead. They are ours, and hold in faithful keeping, Safe forever, all they took away; Cruel…

Close the door lightly, Bridle the breath, Our little earth Angel Is talking with death; Gently he wooes her, She wishes to stay, His arms are about her— He bears her away! Music comes floating Down from the dome; Angels are chanting The…

With blue cold hands and stockingless feet,Wandered a child in the cheerless street,Children we e many, who housed and fed,Lovingly neastled, dreaming in bed,Carroled their joy in a land of blissWithout a thought or care of this,They were warm in…

Roll on, then cheerful day,When tyranny's proud away, Stern as the grave, Shall to the ground he hurled,And freedom's flag unfurled,Shall wave, throughout the world, O'er every slave. Trump of grand jubilee,Each o'er land and see Freedom for…

I saw a poor man enter where The worshippers of God were seen. His garments cheap and worn threadbare. Yet all was tidy, neat, and clean— I saw him take a lonely seat, And worship at the Saviour's feet. I saw, hard by, a family Dress'd out in…

What need of all this fuss and strife, Each warring with his brother? Why should we, in the crowd of life, Keep trampling down each other? Is there no goal that can be won, Without a squeeze to gain it— No other way of getting on But…

A War correspondent of the CincinnatiGazetteclaims that the following effusions were found among the official papers of the Adjutant of one of the Virginia regiments:Come all you brave Virginia boys With hearts boath stout and true Come lets go…

When we hear the music ringing Through the bright celestial dume, When sweet angels voices singing, Gladly bid us welcome home To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care, In the land of light and glory, "Shall we know each…

The following Parody was written by a gentleman who formerly resided at the South.Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell,How pious priests whip Jack and NellAnd women buy, and children sell,And preach all sinners down to hell, And sing of heavenly…
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