Browse Items (213 total)

I come to Thee to-night In my lone closet, where no eye can see, And dare to crave and interview with Thee, Father of love and light! Softly the moonbeams shine On the still branches of the shadowy trees, While all sweet sounds of evening on the…

We gather them in, the bright green leaves, With our scythes and rakes to-day, And the mow grows big, as the pitcher heaves His lift in the swelt'ring hay. Oh, ho! a-field! for the mower's sythe Has a ring as of destiny, Sweeping the earth of…

Via Cursis, Via Lucis It goes in and it comes out, now it fades, now is bright, And it guides by its darkness as well as its light. So a word fitly spoken is potent to teach, But silence sometimes talketh better than speech. Force winneth the battle,…

A traveler through a dusty road Strewed acorns on the lea; And one took root and sprouted up, And grew into a tree. Love sought its shade at evening time, To breathe its early vows, And Age was pleased, in heats of noon, To bask beneath its…

These thoughts of home still charm my mind, Still sound so pleasant to my ear; Still bring me back my childhood scenes, Reminding me of friends most dear. As through the world's wher'er we roam, Though friends are dear and strangers kind, Fond…

Fear not, love, though all forsake thee, Though a scornful world may frown, I will never cease to love thee, I will ne'er thy name disown. In thy happier days, remember, All my heart was pldged to thee; Now, when fate conspires to crush…

Hush! I cannot bear to see thee Stretch thy hands in vain; I have got no bread to give thee— Nothing, child, to ease thy pain. When God sent thee first to bless me, Proud and thankful too was I; Now, my darling, I thy mother, Almost long to…

What might be done if men were wise— What glorious deeds, my suffering brother, Would they unite, In love and right, And cease their scorn of one another? Oppression's heart might be imbued With kindling drops of loving kindness; And knowledge…

Spirit of joy! thy altar lies In youthful hearts, that hope like mine. And 'tis the light of laughing eyes That leads us to thy fairy shrine. There if we find the sigh, the tear, They are not those to sorrow known, But breathe so soft, and…

Oh, life! I breathe thee in the breeze, I feel thee bounding in my veins, I see thee in these stretching trees, These flowers, this still rock's mossy stains. This stream of odors flowing by From clover-field and clumps of pine, This music,…
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