Browse Items (213 total)

When Goethe was told that he was about to die, he folded his arms calmly, and said, "Let the light enter." Light, more light! the shadows deepen, And my life is ebbing low; Throw the windows widely open— Light, more light, before I go. Softly let…

"When thy judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."—Bible.Judgement slumbered—God in mercy Stayed his strong avenging hand Sent them priests, and sent them prophets— But they would not…

[It is a beautiful conceit, that when a baby smiles in its sleep it is talking with the angels.] Tell me, did the angels greet thee! Greet my darling when she smiled? Did they whisper softly, gently, Pleasant words unto my child? Did they whisper…

"Lord, thou art great!" I cry when in the East, The day is blooming like a rose of fire, When to partake anew of life's rich feast Nature and man awake with fresh desire; When art thou seen more gracious, God of power? Than in the morn's great…

The trembling dew-drops fall Upon the shutting flowers; like souls at rest, The stars shine gloriously; and all Save me, are blest. Mother, I love thy grave, The violet, with its blossoms blue and mild, Waves o'er thy head; when shall it…

These thoughts of home still charm my mind, Still sound so pleasant to my ear; Still bring me back my childhood scenes, Reminding me of friends most dear. As through the world's wher'er we roam, Though friends are dear and strangers kind, Fond…

Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell! Said the Universalist bell. Look up to heaven this holy day,Attend this church, and learn the way.There are no fires or fiends to blightThe hope within the heart we light.Ding! dong! there is no hell! no…

Pain's furnace heat within me quivers, God's breath upon the flame doth blow, And all my heart in anguish shivers, And trembles at the fiery glow; And yet I whisper as God will! And in its hottest fire hold still. He comes and lays my heart, all…

I envy not the lily's grace, I fancy not the pale moonbeam, Not be it mine in [?] to trade The glory of poetic theme, The burning glow the tropies know, Inspires to me the midnight dream. I envy not the power and skill That makes the white man…

There is a peaceful home above, Where all who bear below The cross of Christ, is faith and love, As equal heirs may go. There is a fount, whose waters gush With life beyond the grave, Whereof the master will not blush To drink beside the…
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