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See them go forth like the floods to the ocean. Gathering might from each tide mountains and glen. Wilder and deeper the tide of devotion Rolls up to God from the bosom of men. Here the great multitude, mingling in chorus. Groan as they gaze…

The following beautiful lines are by James Russel Lowell, though not included in the latest edition of his works: The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every…

When Gen. Fremont proclaimed to the Rebels of Missouri, "their slaves, if any, are Free Men," millions said to each other, "This trumpet gives no uncertain sound." The eloquent Wm. H. Channing wrote joyfully to a friend: "My faith is that, as a…

Spring was busy in the woodlands, Climbing up from peak to peak, As an old man sat and brooded, With a flush upon his cheek. Many years pressed hard upon him, And his living friends were few, And from out the sombre future Troubles drifted…

Rejoice, ye fathers in Israel—Ye mothers in Zion, weep for joy!Awake, ye sons of Judah, and sing!Ye daughters of Jerusalem, shout—Shout: To Zion hath returnedThe ransomed of the Lord! Years hath ye wept Bitter tears: mournings and lamentationsFrom…

Our brother has fallen, his spirit has fledTo God who gave it. He sleepeth—not deadHe liveth in Heaven the city of God,Forever redeemed through Jesus the Word,He's fallen—weep not,—how happy his lot!Though fallen, yet risen—with us he is not.—He is…

We see not, know not; all our wayIs night: with Thee alone is day.From out the torrent’s troubled drift,Above the storm our prayers we lift,Thy will be done! The flesh may fail, the heart may faint,But who are we to make complaint,Or dare to plead,…

The pines were dark on Ramoth hill, Their song was soft and low; The blossoms, in the sweet May wind, Were falling like the snow. The blossoms drifted at our feet, The orchard birds sand clear; The sweetest and the saddest day It seemed of all…

A sound of tumult troubles all the air, Like the low thunders of a sultry sky Far-rolling ere the downright lightnings glare: The hills blaze red with warnings: foes draw nigh, Treading the dark with challenge and reply. Behold the burden of the…
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