Browse Items (752 total)

How gloriously it beameth, With twinkling, silver ray, Resplendent in its beauty, To light us on our way. Though oft the clouds are heavy, And shadows cast before, That star on all was shining, From hut to palace door. The firmament above…

All day long in the crowded street,
Wand'ring about with shoeless feet,
Waif of the shadows, poor and sad,
No cheering friend to make her glad,
No one has she to light her way,
She walks about the long, long day,
Holding flowers to passers…

What is time? A passing shadow, Phantom-like on mystic wings; Fleeting through a world of wonder, O'er our life a veil it flings. Deep, too deep for minds to fathom. Boundary line 'twixt life and death: Here to-day and gone to-morrow, Feeding…

Thou Bounteous Giver of all good, From Thy unfailing hand, We take with humble, grateful hearts, The blessings of the land. Thou dost supply our every want, Know'st every creature's need, And for the good of man, dost bless The sprinkling of…

There is an evening twilight of the heart, When its wild passion-waves are lulled to rest, And the eye sees life's fairy scenes depart, As fades the day beam in the rosy west. 'Tis with a nameless feeling of regret We gaze upon them as they melt…

Here we three have met again,After years of hope and pain;Since our parting, time has laidMany a three in death's dark shade,Many a widow's heart has sighed.Since the dream that boyhood gave,We have toiled on life's wide wave,Wearily our oars we've…

When the twilight shadows deepen, Bringing evening to its close, Calm and peaceful are the moments, Verging on to night's repose. When the twilight shadows bring us Gentle memories of the past, Then the mist of time is lifted, With no shadow…

Of that far distant city,A theme has oft been told,By poets and by sages,Who lived in days of old.That theme a lovely story,Of which we never tire,Has reached us through the ages,And still our hearts inspire.That story - must I tell it?Ah, no! 'tis…

Finished now the weary throbbing, Of a bosom calmed to rest; Laid aside the heavy sorrows, That for years upon it prest. All the thirst for pure affection, All the hunger of the heart; All the vain and tearful cryings, All forever now…

Slowly o'er his darkened features,Stole the warning shades of death;And we knew the shadowing angelWaited for his parting breath.He had started for his freedom;And his heart beat firm and high--But before he won the guerdon,Came the message--he must…
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