Browse Items (752 total)

A rock for ages stern and high,Stood frowning 'gainst the earth and sky;And never bowed his haughty crest,When angry storms around him prest.Morn springing from the arms of night,Had often bathed his brow with light;And kissed the shadows from his…

Sweet minstrel, take thy harp again,And breathe upon its chords of fire;I claim one warm responsive strainOf holy friendship from thy lyre.No brighter them can poet ask,That fountain of Platonic love:Then sing, for thou art meet the task,Thy draught…

"Lord, thou art great!" I cry when in the East, The day is blooming like a rose of fire, When to partake anew of life's rich feast Nature and man awake with fresh desire; When art thou seen more gracious, God of power? Than in the morn's great…

Far o'er our land extended wide,With one united voice,From hill and dale and mountain side,Let Freedom's sons rejoice.What glad tidings ring thro' the land of the West,What nation so happy as we -With peace and with plenty our Union is blest,Our land…

Dedicated to the Gentlemen who takes so kind and interest in his behalf.Joy kindles by thy vital gale,And breathes true philanthropy;Thus with delight I hailThe dawn of Liberty.The song of Gratitude I oweTo thee from whom these pleasures rise,And…

The trembling dew-drops fall Upon the shutting flowers; like souls at rest, The stars shine gloriously; and all Save me, are blest. Mother, I love thy grave, The violet, with its blossoms blue and mild, Waves o'er thy head; when shall it…

How calmly sinks the parting sun! Yet Twilight lingers still, And beautiful as dreams of Heaven, It slumbers on the hill; Earth sleeps, with all her glorious things, Beneath the Holy Spirit's wings, And, rendering back the hues above, Seems…

Far, far above the world I soar,And almost nature lose,Aerial regions to exploreWith this ambitious muse.My tow'ring thoughts with pinions riseUpon the gales of song,Which waft me through the mental skyWith music on my tongue.My muse is all on mystic…

These thoughts of home still charm my mind, Still sound so pleasant to my ear; Still bring me back my childhood scenes, Reminding me of friends most dear. As through the world's wher'er we roam, Though friends are dear and strangers kind, Fond…

Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell! Said the Universalist bell. Look up to heaven this holy day,Attend this church, and learn the way.There are no fires or fiends to blightThe hope within the heart we light.Ding! dong! there is no hell! no…
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