Browse Items (752 total)

Young Elize and I were strolling along the sunlit shore;Elise and I were talking of days that would come no moreShe lifted up her hand and said: "These waves shall witness be, - I pledge thee my hand and heart within sound of the moaning sea."And…

Think gently of the erring— Ye know not of the power With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, or how well, Until the hour of weaknes came, And sadly thus they fell. Think gently…

Ho! thou traveller on life's highway, Moving carelessly along— Pausing not to watch the shadows Lowering o'er the mighty throng! Stand aside, and mark how feebly Some are struggling in the fight. Turning on thee wistful glances— Begging thee…

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…

And thus they flit away Earth's lovely things. Where's the snow - the summer's snow - On the lovely lilly flower? Where the hues the sunset shed O'er the rose's crimson hour? Where's the gold - the bright pure gold - O'er the young laburnum…

This star sinks below the horizon in certain latitudes. I watched it sink lower and lower every night, till at last it disappeared. A star has left the kindling sky, - A lovely northern light: How many planets are on high! But that has left the…

I simply asked a song My fancy to amuse; How could'st thy cruel scorn My trustful heart abase? The boon thou would'st not give Fair Jessie granted me; Still may life's joy e'er live To bring no pain to thee. Had'st thou but first asked…

White, cream white; in pleat and band and fold;
The pure white of the snow touched with the sunset's gold:
With foamy flecks of lace, at bust and throat and wrist,
Like edge of pearling waves, when sandy beach they've kissed:
White, creamy white;…

Within the heart of each and all,
A hidden recess lies:
Wherein some secret sorrow rests,
The source of all the sighs.
A blighted hope: ambition's wreck;
A love-like withered flower, -
Bearing in death a fragrance still,
That giveth it a…

Let others boast of maidens fair,Of eyes of blue and golden hair;My heart like needle ever trueTurns to the maid of ebon hue.I love her form of matchless grace,The dark brown beauty of her face,Her lips that speak of love's delight,Her eyes that…
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