Browse Items (251 total)

Horror of nature, hell and death!When a deep groan from beneathShall cry, "We come! we come!" and allThe caves of night answer one call.Oh that book! whose leaves so brightWill set the world in severe light:Oh that Judge! whose hand, whose eyeNone…

There's not a tint that paints the rose, Or decks the lilly fair, Or streaks the humblest flow'r that grows, But heaven has placed it there. At early dawn ther's not a gale, Across the landscape driven, And not a breeze that sweeps the…

The spring of feeling gushes there, In mystic light from virtue's rays, Is like the pure undying air That o'er the fact of nature plays; No selfish view, or sordid tie, Around the MOTHER'S heart will cling, Nor in the hidden bed will lie A…

One closing sultry summer day,I wandered forth the viewThe beauties of my native vale;The scenes seemed ever new.There danc'd the sunbeams on each hill,Here shade did intervene;While murm'ring sounds rose from each rill,As it cours'd through foliage…

We come o'er mountain top,And inland sea!We come from whence rises upSongs of the free!We come up from Montauk,Where old Ocean's waveSwells proudly, dies gently onShore; 'tis her grave.We come up from Flushing,Will'sburg* and Newtown,From Brooklyn,…

"A NEW YEAR'S GIFT," from thee, O Lord, I crave!For thou are full, and overflowest stillWith blessings spiritual, through the whole churchArrived in heaven, and all who wait below,Thy sovereign call to hear, and all who wait below,Have tasted of thy…

Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains, May our Herald's feet appear; Sweet by silver lakes and fountains, May his voice be to our ear. Let the tenants of our rocks, Shepherds watching o'er their flocks, Village swain and peasant boy, Thee…

SWEET music in the wave-worn ear! It is the seaman's cry, When the first speck of home-land near Breaks on the eager eye; Then, loud as lip the news can spread, The top-mast man shouts - "Land a-head!" O, as those gladsome tidings speed Down…

Vermont, in presenting these noble resolutions with an American Congress in the face of so much plagued malice and cruelty, appeared like an angel of mercy walking upon the high places of the earth. Who might not on that day have covered the honor of…

In Eden's green retreats, A water brook, that play'd Between soft, mossy seats Beneath a plane-tree's shade, Whose rustling leaves Danc'd o'er its brink - Was Adam's drink, And also Eve's. Beside the parent spring Of that young…
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