Browse Items (82 total)

I simply asked a song My fancy to amuse; How could'st thy cruel scorn My trustful heart abase? The boon thou would'st not give Fair Jessie granted me; Still may life's joy e'er live To bring no pain to thee. Had'st thou but first asked…

And thou art eight years old to-day?
How swiftly pass the years away!
Thy life has been a happy dream,
As bright as any bright sunbeam.
And may each birthday bring to thee
The gladness thou hast brought to me.
May length of years be thine to…

Only a bunch of lilacs, Laid on a coffin lid; 'Neath which the face of a loved one From tearful eyes lies hid. Only a loving tribute From hands by toil made hard. Blossoms from Nature's garden Or cotter's humble yard. Only a bunch of…

I love the wild and wooly West,
Where winds cavort so free;
The effete East has now, at least,
No charms at all for me.
I love the lands that stretch away,
Toward the setting sun;
Where tender feet on bosses fleet,
Are followed with a gun.

What if we never meet again, Except as strangers meet? Can we forget the past, - the pain, The pleasures, sunshine and the rain, The bitter and the sweet? Perhaps. And, yet, I think not so. The sacred past is ours; And come what may, where'er…

In my ladys silken hair,
Nestling low in fragrance there,
Slept a flower, a bud of May,
Soft and pure as breath of day,
Greeting morn before the sun
Has his waking well begun.
And I wonder if my love
Is a vision from above;
If the angels gave…

One beautiful Easter morning, While nature seemed fresh and fair, Three children of men with their offerings Went up to the house of prayer. The first one laid on the altar A goodly sum of gold, Saying "This is my Easter offering But my heart…

He is risen! He is risen!Let it echo far and near,Tell it out to every nation,All can in His glory share.Earth is robed in spotless beauty,Ready to receive the King,In the triumph of His kingdom,Heaven and earth His praises sing.Hark! the sound of…

Young Elize and I were strolling along the sunlit shore;Elise and I were talking of days that would come no moreShe lifted up her hand and said: "These waves shall witness be, - I pledge thee my hand and heart within sound of the moaning sea."And…

Suppose the Day should wake some mornAnd find the Sun had left the skyTo Night, would she take wing and flyTo bring him back to hearts forlorn?Suppose the Night should come some eveAnd find the Stars had left the skyTo Day, would she take wing and…
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