Browse Items (752 total)

Saw ye where the Savior keptWatch, while his disciples slept?Did ye hear the Savior speak,While the sweat bedewed his cheek?Did ye listen to the Lord,And receive the hallowed word?Heard ye your Redeemer sayTo his followers, "Watch and pray?"Not to…

Magnificent! Magnificent, Thou Queen
Of cities! My every thought is fond and true
In loving memories of thee! And through
The mists of coming years, through trembling sheen
Of mystic shade dream-bound where morn is seen
To lift the veil of Night…

BEAUTY - remember that change and decayWill pursue in your path, as the night follows day:PRIDE - bear in mind that your form is of clay, And will rot with the meanest that stands in yourway:WEALTH - that you are like the rainbow's bright…

I dreamt there came a love I ne'er before
Had felt. I cannot tell its shape, it came
As comes the light of morn with just the same
Bright witching spell, and, lo, the dream was o'er.
I dreamt there came a sigh, on wings which bore
It deep into…

Night turns to day: When sullen darkness lowers, And heaven and earth are hid from sight, Cheer up, cheer up; Ere long the opening flowers, With dewy eyes shall shine in light. Storms die in calms: When over land and ocean Roll the loud chariots of…

Vermont, in presenting these noble resolutions with an American Congress in the face of so much plagued malice and cruelty, appeared like an angel of mercy walking upon the high places of the earth. Who might not on that day have covered the honor of…

Like to the falling of a star;Or as the flights of eagles are;Or like the fresh Spring's gaudy hue;Or silver drops of morning dew;Or like the wind that chafes the flood;Or bubbles which on water stood;Even such is man, whose borrowed lightIs straight…

Up, up, and be stirring! there's much to be done;There's a fight to be fought, there's a field to be won.'TIs a field that is guiltless of tears or of blood,That is fruitful of blessings, and potent for good. So, up and be stirring! Up, up, and be…

I am content, Unrecognized by all the world, to wait, And do, with uncomplaining lips, my stent Of human fate. I am content To breast alone Fate's overwhelming sea, Feeling that every other tie is blent In mind to Thee. What though my…

What matter if the world be right or wrong, The wrong to-day, to-morrow brings to sight, Or else the right supreme and strong. But stop, I am aweary, quench the light, Life's problems is beyong my hapless song, I dream to nothingness - to self -…
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